Перегляд за Автор "Bass, Oksana"
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Документ Analysis of the nature of the composition substances of sour-milk dessert with plant-based fillers(2022) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Kurmach, Mykhailo; Bass, OksanaThe nature and interaction of the constituent substances that make up the sour-milk dessert with plant-based fillers have been studied by the method of IR spectroscopy. This method is used to study the diverse nature of substances. The spectral range applied was in the range of 500–4,000 s -1. It was found that the intensity of functional groups absorption in the range of 2,500–3,500 s-1 is due to the valence vibrations of NH-, CH and S-H-groups, indicating the presence of free organic acids, aromatic substances. In addition, in the spectra of sour-milk dessert with plant-based fillers, an absorption intensity in the range of 1,470–1,335 s-1 is observed, which indicates the presence of soluble pectin. Proteins characteristics in the samples are observed at absorption in the range of 3,300–3,500 cm-1, which is due to the valence vibrations of the N-H bond in the -NH2 groupsДокумент Cryoprotective ability of starch syrup in the composition of aromatic and fruit-berry ice cream(2019) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, Oksana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Breus, NataliaFor complete replacement of sugar in the ice cream the starch syrup of different degree of saccharinization was chosen: glucose-fructose syrup GFS (dextrose equivalent 98) and syrup caramel SC (dextrose equivalent 30). GFS, in comparison with control samples with sugar, due to the high content of mono-sugars, significantly reduces the cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures. While, the SC boosts this figure. Therefore, in order to maintain the recommended balance on the content of frozen water at each stage of low-temperature processing of ice cream mixtures, it is expedient to combine the cryoprotective capacity of the syrup with different dextrose equivalent. The ranges of optimal correlations between GFS and SC in compositions were calculated, allowing to receive the content of frozen water, according to control samples – from 30:70 to 40:60 for aromatic ice cream and from 50:50 to 90:10 – for fruit-berry ice-cream. Microstructural analysis of ice cream samples has demonstrated the expediency of complete replacement of sugar on the syrup compositions, which provides the formation of a more homogeneous finished product structure, compared with control samples with sugar.Для повної заміни цукру в морозиві було обрано крохмальний сироп різного ступеня сахаринізації: глюкозо-фруктозний сироп GFS (декстрозний еквівалент 98) та сироп карамельний SC (декстрозний еквівалент 30). GFS, порівняно з контрольними зразками з цукром, завдяки високому вмісту моно-цукрів значно знижує кріоскопічну температуру сумішей. У той час як НС збільшує цю цифру. Тому, щоб підтримувати рекомендований баланс за вмістом замерзлої води на кожному етапі низькотемпературної обробки сумішей з морозивом, доцільно поєднувати кріопротекторну здатність сиропу з різним еквівалентом декстрози. Діапазони оптимальних співвідношень між GFS та SC у композиціях розраховувались, що дозволяло отримувати вміст замороженої води, за контрольними зразками - від 30:70 до 40:60 для ароматичного морозива та від 50:50 до 90:10 - для фруктово-ягідного морозива. Мікроструктурний аналіз зразків морозива продемонстрував доцільність повної заміни цукру на сиропних композиціях, що забезпечує формування більш однорідної структури готового продукту порівняно з контрольними зразками з цукром.Документ Development of a new type of alcoholic ice cream(2021) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Kuzmyk, UlyanaThe modern range of milk-based ice cream with an alcohol component was analyzed. The choice of alcoholic tincture in the composition of milk ice cream was substantiated. The cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures was determined using a measuring complex, the dynamic viscosity was determined by a Heppler viscometer, the melting resistance was determined by the melting time of the hardened ice cream samples, and the ice cream was whipped by the weight method. The possibility of using tinctures with an alcohol content of 20% as a part of milk ice cream has been scientifically confirmed. The selection of the structure stabilizer and rational modes of maturation of milk-alcohol mixtures were substantiated by the values of the coefficient of dynamic viscosity. According to the cryoscopic temperature of ice cream mixtures, it was found that the production of ice cream with a mass fraction of alcohol up to 3% determines the possibility of using conventional freezing modes to obtain a product of guaranteed quality. A new type of milk ice cream with the use of tinctures can be recommended for the introduction of the classical technological scheme of production with the clarification of maturation modes.Документ Development of resource-saving technologies in the dairy industry(2021) Mykhalevych, Artur; Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, OksanaDevelopment and implementation of resource-saving technologies at dairy industry enterprises of Ukraine is a modern direction of production sustainable development and economically profitable investment, which not only saves raw materials, but also affects the growth of production and reduces the negative impact on the environment.Документ Enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose in concentrates of reconstituted demineralized whey, intended for ice cream production(2021) Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Mleko, Stanislaw; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Bandura (Kuzmyk), UlianaThe feasibility of using fermented concentrates of reсonstitutd demineralized sweet whey as a source of whey proteins and monosaccharides in ice cream was proved.Ice cream with a higher content of milk proteins is usually enriched with casein and caseinates, whey protein concentrates, as well as dry dairy products. It was proved the possibility of increasing the protein content by 30-90% in ice cream with a mass fraction of 10.5% fat by adding concentrates of whey proteins and milk proteins, but it significantly increases the cost of the finished product at its rather high-fat content.Документ Food value study of acidophilic-whey ice cream(2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturThe dietary structure of most people is extremely inconsistent with modern principles of rational nutrition and practical dietetics. By developing and improving the composition of products that increase the body's resistance in an unfavorable environment, including dairy, it is quite possible to improve the quality of human life, as well as to ensure the body's adaptation to unfavorable living and working conditions. Based on the results of previous studies, new types of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with protein, have been developed. The amino acid composition and mineral composition of new types of ice cream enriched with protein were investigated with the help of amino acid and express analyzers. Based on the daily human need for these substances, it was concluded that the biological value of ice cream, enriched with a complex of proteins, increased by 15% in comparison with the control. It was also found that the introduction of pectin-containing raw materials into the composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream with protein concentrate provides a ratio of minerals that is close to the optimal for all age categories.Документ Influence of demineralized whey concentrates on ice cream sugar content(2023) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturThe article presents the issue of food waste among young people. The research is based on the causes of the impact, possible solutions to combat food waste, the causes of its spread and the factors contributing to the spread of food waste worldwide. This is a important topic for all humans and the behaviour of young peoples is very important to be studied.Документ Influence of sweeteners on rheological and qualitative indicators of ice cream(2018) Bass, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Goncharuk, ElenaReplacing sugar on the composition of starch hoods HFCS-42 and HFCS-30 for a ratio of 30:70 significantly increases the effective viscosity of mixtures for the production of cream and aromatic ice cream. Replacing sugar with polyols leads to the reverse effect. At the same time, the replacement of sugar on a complex of sweeteners of various origins (polyols + molasses) provides an effective viscosity of mixtures in the recommended range of values.Документ Investigation of the fermentation process of demineralized whey concentrates for ice cream production(2021) Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Osmak (Fedchenko), TetianaThe cheapest source of biologically complete whey proteins in ice cream is condensed and dry whey. However, whey contains up to 70-75% of lactose from the total dry matter content, the excess of which in ice cream causes its excessive crystallization. The purpose of the research is to study the patterns of the process of lactose hydrolysis in reconstituted concentrates of sweet demineralized whey, intended for the production of ice cream with higher content of whey proteins and low lactose content.Документ Investigation of viscous characteristics of mixtures of ice cream with starch syrup(2017) Bass, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Goncharuk, ElenaВстановлено значний вплив ступеня оцукрювання патоки крохмальної на структурно-механічні властивості сумішей для морозива різного хімічного складу. У разі повної заміни цукру на патоки крохмальні HFCS-30 та HFCS-42 початкова ефективна в’язкість сумішей вершкових підвищується на 22,1 та 2,5% відповідно, порівняно з контрольним зразком із цукром. У той же час повна заміна цукру на патоку HFCS-96 сприяє зниженню початкової ефективної в’язкості вершкової суміші на 15,3%. Початкова ефективна в’язкість сумішей для морозива ароматичного при повній заміні цукру на HFCS-30 та HFCS-42 збільшувалася на 27,1% та 14,8% відповідно, та зменшувалася на 11,6% при повній заміні цукру на патоку HFCS-96. Патоки марок HFCS-42 та HFCS-96 надають сумішам тиксотропних властивостей. Натомість, системи з патокою HFCS-30 здатні не тільки повністю відновлювати структуру, але й виявляють слабкі реопексні властивості. Завдяки цьому в режимі зворотного зменшення швидкості зсуву ефективна в’язкість сумішей морозива вершкового та ароматичного, у разі повної заміни цукру, збільшується на 12,7% і на 18,8% відповідно, порівняно з початковими значеннями. У сумішах, що містять суміш паток HFCS-96 та HFCS-30 за співвідношення 30:70, ефективна в’язкість збільшується в режимі зворотного зменшення швидкості зсуву на 9,5 і на 12,5 % для морозива вершкового та ароматичного відповідно, порівняно з початковими значеннями. With complete replacement of sugar for starch syrup HFCS-30 and HFCS-42, the initial effective viscosity of ice cream mixtures increases by 22,1% and 2,5% respectively, compared to the control sample with sugar. As compared to the control sample with sugar. At the same time, complete replacement of sugar on the syrup HFCS-96 contributes to a decrease in the initial effective viscosity of the ice cream mixture by 15,3%. Initial effective viscosity of aromatic ice cream mixtures at full replacement of sugar by HFCS-30 and HFCS-42 increased by 27,1% and 14,8% respectively, and decreased by 11,6% at full replacement of sugar for HFCS-96 syrup. Starch syrups HFCS-42 and HFCS-96 provide mixtures of thixotropic properties. Instead, systems with syrup HFCS-30 can not only completely restore the structure, but also show weak reopectic properties. Due to this, in the mode of inverse reduction of the shear rate, the effective viscosity of the mixtures of ice cream of cream and aromatic, in case of complete replacement of sugar, increases by 12,7% and 18, 8%, respectively, compared with the initial values. In mixtures containing a mixture of HFCS-96 and HFCS-30 patches at a ratio of 30:70, the effective viscosity increases in reverse slip rate by 9,5% and 12,5% for ice cream and aromatic ice cream, respectively, compared to Initial values.Документ Polyolenverwendung in der Speiseeisherstellung(2015) Bass, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Okopna, YanaЗважаючи на досить високу солодкість молочного морозива, яке зазвичай містить до 15,0-15,5 % цукру, було досліджено можливість часткової або його повної заміни на ізомальт та вивчено органолептичні та фізико-хімічні показники готового продукту. Актуальним є наукове обґрунтування сучасної технології морозива із замінниками цукрів, зокрема поліолами, що дозволить створити морозиво з низьким глікемічним індексом, і одночасно з підвищеною біологічною цінністю. Несмотря на довольно высокую сладость молочного мороженого, которое обычно содержит до 15,0-15,5% сахара, было исследовано возможность частичной или его полной замены на изомальт и изучены органолептические и физико-химические показатели готового продукта. Актуальным является научное обоснование современной технологии мороженого с заменителями сахаров, в частности полиолы, что позволит создать мороженое с низким гликемическим индексом, и одновременно с повышенной биологической ценностью. Aufgrund der relativ hohen Süße von Milcheis, das in der Regel bis zu 15,0-15,5% Zucker enthält, wurde die Möglichkeit einer teilweisen oder vollständigen Ersatz für Isomalt erforscht und organoleptische und physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Endproduktes wurden untersucht. Also, die Notwendigkeit der Kalorienarmenspeiseeisherstellung mit verbesserter Struktur und Konsistenz bei niedrigen Temperaturen ist offensichtlich.Документ Reasoning of the selection of technological parameters for the extraction of sumac(2020) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Yushchenko (Gonchar), Natalia; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturIn order to intensify the extraction process, the possibility of using a rotary-pulse apparatus was investigated. The use of rotary-pulse extractors makes it possible to intensify the process of eliciting extractive substances of plant raw materials in comparison with traditional methods, to improve the microbiological parameters of the obtained extracts due to the tightness of the circuit and to ensure the energy efficiency of the process. It was found that with increasing temperature, the mass fraction of extractives increased, while the duration of the process at the selected temperature was of great importance. The duration of the extraction at a temperature of 20 °C for 10 min, gave the same yield of extractives as heating the system "raw materials/solvents" to a temperature of 80 °C without endurance. To compare the results of experimental data determined by different methods, the coefficient of variation was calculated. That is, the use of a rotary-impulse apparatus makes it possible to increase the yield of extractives by an average of 24.5% in comparison with classical maceration.Документ Scientific explanation of composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with protein(2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Sapigа, VictoriaThe work is devoted to solving the actual problem of the dairy industry - complex processing of food raw materials, expanding the range of dairy and milk-containing products of high nutritional value due to enrichment of protein, pro- and prebiotics, rational use of production resources by reducing the the technological process duration. The aim of the research is to substantiate the composition of a new type of acidophilic-whey ice cream of high nutritional value due to enrichment with a complex of proteins, probiotic sourdough and pectin-containing vegetable paste.Документ Starch syrups as substitutes for sugar and milk powder in ice cream(2020) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, OksanaТhe article considers the existing and promising ways to use starch syrup in milk-based ice cream recipes. The influence of substitution of sugar on dry skimmed milk starch syrup and starch on the characteristics of mixtures for the production of ice cream of classical types has been investigated. to study the possibility of simultaneous replacement of sugar and dry skim milk residue with starch syrup in milk-based ice cream, the degree of substitution of the milk component up to 30% is used, which will ensure its minimum possible content in the product (at least 7%). Simultaneous replacement of milk powder and sugar on the composition of starch syrup with different carbohydrate composition has been carried out. The article describes the results of analytical and experimental research methods: rheological characteristics and cryoscopic temperature of mixtures, organoleptic characteristics of ice cream, whipped cream, resistance to melting. as a result of the conducted researches the multifunctional technological properties of starch syrup with low and high degree of saccharification in the composition of mixtures for ice cream production as sweeteners, cryoprotectants, thickeners and structure stabilizers has been revealed. Studies confirm the feasibility of using composite mixtures of low-sugar and high-sugar starch syrup as substitutes for sugar and milk powder in ice cream. on the basis of research, ice cream recipes with improved characteristics and reduced cost have been developed.Документ Studie des wasseraktivität indikators in fermentierten und unfermentierten molke konzentraten(2021) Mykhalevych, Artur; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Sapiga, VictoriaUnter modernen Bedingungen des menschlichen Lebens und Handelns ist es wichtig, den biologischen Wert von funktionellen Lebensmitteln zu steigern, die eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Verbesserung der allgemeinen Gesundheit und der Vorbeugung einer Reihe von Krankheiten spielen.In modern conditions of human life and action, it is important to increase the biological value of functional foods, which play a key role play in improving general health and preventing a range of diseases.Документ Studies of water freezing features in ice cream with starch syrop(2019) Polishchuk, Galyna; Sharahmatova, Tetiana; Breus, Natalia; Bass, Oksana; Shevchenko (Kishenko), IrynaThe purpose of the study is to research the process of water freezing in new types of ice cream with starch syrup at certain stages of the technological process. Starch syrup as a degradation product of corn starch is characterized by different values of the dextrose equivalent (DE). Starch syrup is a source of solids, sweetener, cryoprotectants (at high DE) and thickener (for low values of DE). The starch syrups with fundamentally different functional and technological properties are chosen for the study: high glucose-fructose syrup HGFS-98 (DE = 98) and low-sugar starch syrup GFS-30 (DE = 30).Документ Technological functions of hydrolyzed whey concentrate in ice cream(2022) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Mykhalevych, Artur; Polishchuk, Galyna; Buniowska-Olejnik, Magdalena; Bass, Oksana; Bandura (Kuzmyk), UlianaBased on the calculation of the degree of sweetness of whey concentrates, taking into account the mass fraction of total solids, the degree of lactose hydrolysis and the known values of the relative sweetness of sugar, lactose, glucose and galactose, a concentrate with a solids content 40% was chosen for use in the ice cream formulation. According to the results of the study of the quality indicators of ice cream mixtures, it was found that the hydrolyzed concentrate of demineralized whey with a mass fraction of solids 40% could replace up to 42% of sugar in the omposition of ice cream, while maintaining the degree of sweetness determined for this type of ice cream in the range from 0.8 to 0.9. According to the viscosity-speed characteristics, the mixture of low-fat ice cream with a сoncentrate of hydrolyzed demineralized whey is classified as a system with a pronounced coagulation structure with the detection of thixotropic properties. Ice cream based on hydrolyzed whey concentrate contains 3.3% of whey proteins, which corresponds to the standard chemical composition of ice cream. The high content of lactose hydrolysis products in ice cream increases overrun, but reduces the resistance to melting of ice cream, which must be taken into account during the technological process and when choosing a consumer container. На основі розрахунку ступеня солодкості сироваткових концентратів з урахуванням масової частки загальних сухих речовин, ступеня гідролізу лактози та відомих значень відносної солодкості цукру, лактози, глюкози та галактози, для використання в рецептурі морозива було обрано концентрат з вмістом сухих речовин 40%. За результатами дослідження показників якості сумішей для морозива встановлено, що гідролізований концентрат демінералізованої сироватки молочної з масовою часткою сухої речовини 40 % здатний замінити до 42 % цукру у складі морозива, а збереження ступеня солодкості, визначеного для цього виду морозива в діапазон від 0,8 до 0,9. За в’язкісно-швидкісними характеристиками суміш нежирного морозива з концентратом гідролізованої демінералізованої сироватки класифікують як систему з вираженою коагуляційною структурою з виявленням тиксотропних властивостей. Морозиво на основі концентрату гідролізованої сироватки містить 3,3% сироваткових білків, що відповідає стандартному хімічному складу морозива. Високий вміст у морозиві продуктів гідролізу лактози збільшує перебіг, але знижує стійкість до танення морозива, що необхідно враховувати під час технологічного процесу та при виборі споживчої тари.Документ The nutritional value study of acidophilic-whey ice cream(2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturThe dietary structure of most people is extremely inconsistent with modern principles of rational nutrition and practical dietetics. Consumer rations often have an excess of foods with a high carbohydrate content and very little of the main sources of complete protein, dietary fiber and micronutrients. The scientific studies results of the actual nutritional status of the population in different regions indicate that the nutritional status of the child and adult population is seriously impaired. The reason for such a violation is the deficiency of complete (animal) proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as dietary fiber. Conversely, there is an excessive consumption of animal fats and easily digestible carbohydrates.Документ Theoretical aspects of improving the technology of low-calorie ice cream(2020) Bass, Oksana; Bandura (Kuzmyk), UlianaGiven the above, it is advisable and relevant to study the possibility and conditions of application of technological and functional prescription components - substitutes for sugar, fat and other non-synthetic substances in ice cream, as well as review and clear control over the conditions of promotion and implementation of this dessert.Документ Use of alternative sweeteners in ice cream(2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, OksanaThe article is devoted to research aimed at improving the technology of ice cream through the use of sugar substitutes and their compositions that exhibit functional and technological properties and improve the quality of the finished product. The feasibility of using starch syrup and polyols for the formation of recommended organoleptic, physical and chemical characteristics of ice cream, and their stabilization during the guaranteed period of storage is scientifically substantiated