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Документ Globalization and Ukraine: Vector’s Aspect of the Further Economic Development(2013) Duka, Anastasiia; Tkachenko, IulіiaIn the last years the humanity assists to the fundamental changes in economy no matter the level from which is regarded. These changes are so fast and intensive that many times the humanity is confronting also with adaptation difficulties and also with the collapses of some value systems which have proved themselves incompatible with new realities to the world level. So, we’ve became the witnesses of a world in which the commercial bounds and the capital fluxes between countries have grown so much that the globalization of the world economy is a reality. The globalization is a term used to describe a multi -causative process which has as result the fact that the events which takes place in some part of the globe have more and more wide repercussive on the societies an d on the problems from other parts of the globe. It influences all aspects of the life, including economic development. Therefore, it’s very important to investigate the influence of this factor in any economic research.Документ Innovation development: the theoretical background of the concept(2013) Duka, AnastasiiaThe main approaches to determine the essence of innovation development were analyzed. It is possible to justify the conclusion of the complexity of this modern phenomenon. It was determined that innovation development is a dichotomy that is revealed through the motion of system which is aiming in the proper direction and nature of the impact innovation changes on the processes occurring in this system. Based on the disclosure of the concept of "development" was highlighted theoretical background and the nature of the innovation development was characterized.Документ Innovative parameters for sustainable development of the national economy(2012) Duka, AnastasiiaУ статті наведено огляд інноваційного розвитку економіки України. Проведено аналіз рівня інноваційної діяльності підприємств, впровадження інновацій у промисловість України, динаміки науково-технічної діяльності, частки основних джерел фінансування наукової, технологічної та інноваційної діяльності в Україні. Визначено основні проблеми інноваційного розвитку та місце України в глобальному інноваційному просторі. The article gives a survey of the innovative development of the economy in Ukraine. It was accomplished an analysis of the level of innovative activity of enterprises, implementation of innovations in the industry of Ukraine, the dynamics of scientific and technological activities, the share of the main sources of funding for scientific, technological and innovation activities in Ukraine. The main problems of innovative development and the place of Ukraine in the global innovation space are determined.