Перегляд за Автор "Marynin, Andriy"
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Документ A structural paradigm in the generalization of intermolecular interactions regularities in water under the influence of external non-reagent factors(2023) Marynin, Andriy; Sviatnenko, Roman; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Mykoliv, Ivan; Shpak, VladyslavThe world’s leading material scientists came to the conclusion that the various properties of substances that people use for their needs depend primarily not on their composition, but on their structure. This is natural, because it applies mainly to substances that are in a solid crystalline state, and the structure, as the spatial arrangement of intermolecular interactions in a substance, clearly affects its physicochemical properties.Документ Advantages of poultry meat for consumers(2023) Strashynskyi, Igor; Marynin, Andriy; Polishchuk, Iryna; Baida , YanaToday, further strides are being made in improving the healthiness of processed poultry products; in particular, offering products with reduced salt, nitrites, and fat. For example, the sodium concentration in chicken nuggets (i.e., sodium chloride required for extracting the salt-soluble proteins from the meat to facilitate binding/gelation during cooking) can be reduced to some extent by partially replacing with potassium/calcium chloride without affecting consumer acceptance.Документ Application of the Inverse Chronopotentiometry Method to Control the Content of Toxic Elements in Refining Production(2021) Melnyk, Oksana; Galimova, V.; Radzievska, Irina; Marynin, AndriyUkraine is one of the world leading exporters of sunflower oil. An important safety indicator is the content of toxic elements in it, which should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations. Toxic elements entering the human body reduce the functions of individual systems and organs and lead to immunodeficiency. The toxic elements by which food products are controlled include copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg).Документ Architecture of hybrid mechatronic dosing and packing module of packaging machine based on qualitative analysis(2023) Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Marynin, Andriy; Tokarchuk, Serhii; Blazhenko, Serhii; Volodin, OleksandrA qualitative analysis of the process of packaging liquid products (non-carbonated drinking water) using the example of a hybrid mechatronic dosing and packaging module was performed. The computer model of the mechatronic module is described by the basic operators of the Simulink program, taking into account the differential equations for changing the technological parameters of liquid dosing and the accepted initial and boundary conditions of the process. The modes of operation of the hybrid mechatronic dosing and packaging module are programmed using the driver. The boundary conditions of the process of formation and extrusion of the dose of the product are taken into account. The control system of the module is arranged on the principle of feedback and a sharp change in pressure in the portion receiver (from excess, within 3 bars to rarefaction up to –850 mbar). The analysis of individual stages of the dosing process is described, followed by the elaboration of accepted assumptions. During the tests of the computer model of the hybrid mechatronic dosing and packaging module, the accuracy of repetitions of dose formation was determined within ±0.22 % and 0.9 % of the set value of the dose mass of 50…200 ml. An experimental bench was designed, which could provide an opportunity to check the results obtained from the computer model. The research results would allow using digital control and measuring equipment to check the accuracy of dosing of the product from 50 ml to 200 ml. In the course of computer simulation, the effects of the given parameters of the dosing process on the accuracy of the product dose formation were determined, as well as the laws of the necessary distribution of compressed air pressure were formed to maintain the given productivity. The research results could make it possible to improve the designs of liquid product dosing modules and to determine the input parameters for field studies.Документ Biosynthesis and characteriсtics of silver nanoparticles obtained using Saccharomyces cerevisiae М437(2021) Skrotska, Oksana; Kharchenko, Yevgen; Laziuka, Yuliya; Marynin, Andriy; Kharchuk, MaksymDue to the wide antimicrobial spectrum, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have great potential for use in the food industry to control foodborne pathogens. The culture supernatant and cell-free aqueous extract from biomass Saccharomyces cerevisiae M437 were used for the synthesis of AgNPs. The fact of the synthesis of biogenic AgNPs was confirmed by analysing the absorption spectra of the samples in the range of 200-700 nm. The size and zeta potential of AgNPs were determined using Zetasizer Nano ZS. The morphology of nanoparticles was examined using electron microscopy. Using spectral analysis in the UV-visible region, it was confirmed the formation of AgNPs in the investigated solutions. A pronounced absorption peak of AgNPs obtained using a cell-free aqueous extract from S. cerevisiae M437 was recorded in the wavelength range from 300 to 540 nm with a peak at 425 nm. For nanoparticles obtained using the supernatant, a widening spectral range of absorption was observed, which may be associated with the aggregation of AgNPs. AgNPs synthesized using the supernatant S. cerevisiae M437 had a spherical shape with a diameter of about 15 nm. The polydispersity index (PdI) of AgNPs solutions was 0.3, and the zeta potential was 13.6 mV. After storage for 45 days at 4 °C, the PdI value increased 1.6 times, and the zeta potential increased by 11.7 %. This may indicates a possible change in the shape of AgNPs, the formation of an agglomerate, or other processes that takes place in a colloidal solution during storage. AgNPs that were obtained using a cell-free aqueous extract from biomass of S. cerevisiae M437 had an oval shape with a size of 21.3×14.2 nm. The PdI and zeta potential values were similar to the nanoparticles obtained using the supernatant. However, after storage, these values differed significantly: the value of PdI increased 1.3 times, and the zeta potential decreased by 29%. So, the solution of silver nanoparticles obtained in this way is more stable after storage under the specified conditions. The possibility of extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae M437 has been shown. The shape, size, and zeta potential of biogenic AgNPs are described and their stability after storage is proved.Документ Characteristics of polyamide covers for sausage production(2020) Strashynskyi, Igor; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Marynin, Andriy; Bozhenko, LarysaThe most common modification method is hydrothermal treatment. The advantages of this method are a reduction in strength and an increase in the functional and technological properties and nutritional value of raw materials. This type of treatment is used in the production of protein stabilizers, hydrolyzates, liver and blood sausages, as well as pâtés, herbs, and jellyfish. At the same time, the disadvantages of this method are the loss of dry substances with broth, raw materials are subjected to double heat treatment, the stabilizer yield is below 100%, and the need for additional energy costs due to the long treatment, which ranges from 1,5 to 8 hours. Найпоширенішим методом модифікації є гідротермічна обробка. Перевагами цього методу є зниження міцності та збільшення функціональних та технологічних властивостей та харчової цінності сировини. Цей вид обробки використовується у виробництві стабілізаторів білка, гідролізатів, печінкових та кров’яних ковбас, а також паштетів, трав та желатину. У той же час, недоліками цього способу є втрата сухих речовин з бульйоном, сировина піддається подвійній термічній обробці, вихід стабілізатора нижче 100 % та потреба в додаткових енергетичних витратах через тривалу обробку, яка коливається від 1,5 до 8 годин.Документ Concerning the prospect of using electrochemical activation in the production of alcoholic products(2018) Kuzmin, Oleg; Marynin, AndriyTo the article the newest data are driven in relation to perspective of the use of the electrochemical activating in the process of receipt of technological water at the production of alcoholic goods.Документ Determining the Nutritional Value and Quality Indicators of Meat-Containing Bread Made With Hemp Seeds Flour (Cannabis sativa L.)(2021) Bozhko, Nataliia; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Tischenko, Vasil; Marynin, Andriy; Shubina, Yevgenia; Strashynskyi, IgorMeat-containing bread with the use of hemp flour has been devised, with the subsequent assessment of its physical and chemical, sensory properties involving the study into the technological indicators of new products. Three experimental formulations for meat-containing bread were developed, which included semi-fat pork, poultry, mechanically deboned turkey, pumpkin pulp, and 8, 10, 12 % of hemp flour. A meat-containing bread from combined raw materials was adopted as control. All samples were evaluated taking into consideration their physical and chemical, technological, and sensory characteristics. It has been proven that the addition of hemp flour to the formulation improved the consumer value of products by increasing the content of protein, fat, and minerals. It was found that the protein content in the developed products was 18.03‒19.53 g/100 g, which is 3.21‒11.80 % higher than that of the analog. The fat content increased by 17.84–56.83 %, which also led to an increase in the calorie content of products. It has been experimentally confirmed that the introduction of hemp flour into bread's minced meat improves the functional and technological indicators of model meat systems. An increase in water-binding capacity was observed, by 13.46‒22.15 %; in water-holding capacity, by 10.34‒21.43 %; in fat-holding capacity, by 17.2‒26.9 %. The combination of semi-fat pork, poultry, mechanically deboned turkey, and hemp flour increases the ductility of the minced meat while reducing the shear stress, contributes to the good forming properties of the minced meat. The sensory analysis of the prototypes showed their high consumer value. The organoleptic assessment and sensory analysis of the prototypes demonstrated high consumer properties of the manufactured products, which makes it possible to recommend them for inclusion in the diets of various segments of the population.Документ Determining the properties of chia seed meal gel(2021) Strashynskyi, Igor; Grechko, Victoria; Fursik, Oksana; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Marynin, AndriyPotential areas of using chia seeds meal as part of mincemeat semi-finished products were substantiated. The modern stage of development of the food industry involves the expansion of the range of natural functional ingredients that improve the organoleptic characteristics of finished products and provide consumers with “healthy” food. This causes the use of new ingredients in the meat processing industry for producing and devising products. The relationship between the indicators of emulsifying capacity, emulsion resistance, and the degree of hydration of chia meal was determined experimentally. It was found that the ability of chia meal to absorb and retain water and fat molecules in the emulsion composition decreased proportionally to a decrease in its concentration in the composition of hydrated samples. The existence of non-polar side chains of amino acids that get bound to fat molecules contributes to an increase in the indicators of emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability during heat treatment (70±2 °C) and after pre-freezing on average by 7–8.7 % and by 16–18.8 %, respectively. Analysis of effective viscosity of the dispersed system of chia seeds meal indicates that in the area of a higher concentration, the viscous-elastic and solid-like behavior of the suspension depends on dynamic changes in the volume of the phase of particles. Heating the experimental samples to a temperature of 70±2 °C in the center leads to a maximum increase in viscosity of the formed dispersions. When studying the effect of the processes of freezing on the properties of the studied systems, the cryoprotective properties for the proposed additives were detected. The obtained data indicate the thermal stabilization of the proposed additive, the ability to form a microgel structure in the finished product, and retain moisture during heat treatment of semi-finished products. Потенційні напрямки використання борошна з насіння чіа у складі фаршу напівфабрикатів обґрунтовано. Сучасний етап о Розвиток харчової промисловості передбачає розширення в ряд натуральних функціональних інгредієнтів, які покращують органолептику характеристики готової продукції та надають споживачам зі «здоровим» харчуванням. Це зумовлює використання нових інгредієнтів у м'ясопереробна промисловість для виробництва та розробки продуктів. Зв'язок між показниками емульгуючої здатності, стійкість до емульсії та ступінь гідратації борошна чіа було визначено експериментально. Було встановлено, що здатність до їжа чіа для поглинання та утримання молекул води та жиру в склад емульсії зменшувався пропорційно зменшенню в його концентрація в складі гідратованих зразків. The наявність неполярних бічних ланцюгів амінокислот, які зв'язуються до молекул жиру сприяє збільшенню показників емульгуючу здатність і стабільність емульсії при термічній обробці (70±2 °C) і після попереднього заморожування в середньому на 7–8,7 % і на 16–18,8 % відповідно. Аналіз ефективної в'язкості дисперсної системи чіа насіння борошна вказує на те, що в області більшої концентрації, на залежить в'язко-пружна і твердоподібна поведінка суспензії на динамічні зміни об'єму фази частинок. Нагрівання дослідних зразків до температури 70±2 °С в центру призводить до максимального збільшення в'язкості утворюється дисперсії. При вивченні дії процесів заморожування на властивості досліджуваних систем, кріопротекторні властивості для запропонованих добавок виявлено. Отримані дані свідчать про термостабілізацію запропонована добавка, здатність утворювати структуру мікрогелю в готового продукту, а також зберігають вологу при термічній обробці напівфабрикатиДокумент Evaluation of indicators of honey of different origin(2023) Sviatnenko, Roman; Marynin, Andriy; Poznyak, OksanaRecently, the development of the Ukrainian honey market creates opportunities for the development of agriculture and increasing the income of beekeepers. In particular, the increase in honey production can contribute to the development of other industries, such as the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, where honey is an important component. In general, the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian honey market are considered quite promising and favorable for the economic development of the country. The work is devoted to research on the determination of organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of honey of various origins. It was established that all experimental samples of honey (buckwheat, sunflower, floral and linden) meet the requirements of DSTU 4497:2005 "Natural honey. Technical conditions" (State standard of Ukraine) and are of high quality.Документ Features of the color of slaughter poultry carcasses as a defining characteristic of appearance(2023) Strashynskyi, Igor; Marynin, Andriy; Chiriev, A.; Motsna, AnnaДокумент Improvement technology semis culinary of poultry(2013) Ivanov, Sergey; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Zadorozhniy, Vyacheslav; Marynin, AndriyThe aim of our work is to improve production technology of meat products, namely chicken "popcorn" by making the recipe carotene in the form of plant material (pumpkin) and activation of protein ground meat by adding food alumina. Investigation into functional and technological indicators possible modifications combined ground meat from chicken using hydrophilic forms of alumina allowed bacteriostatic increase stability and functionality of food products from poultry quick cooking.Документ Influence of electrochemically activated water on the physical properties and rheological indicators of meat pates(2023) Marynin, Andriy; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Shpak, Vladyslav; Sviatnenko, RomanThe object of research is the physical properties and rheological indicators of meat pates with corn starch suspen-sions prepared with activated water. Among the components of the composition of drinking water and food products, there are many substances with particularly inherent biological activity. The biological activity of water is caused by increased electronic or proton activity. Today, various ways of changing properties of water are known, but the most promising reagent-free method is the electrochemical activation of water. As a result of electrochemical treatment of water with an electric current, its electrochemical characteristics change. As a result, electrochemically activated aqueous solutions (catholyte/anolyte) are obtained; the water is saturated with oxygen, accelerates the removal of metabolic waste and promotes the most complete assimilation of nutrients.The research was aimed at determining the influence of activated water in the composition of starch suspen-sions on the physical properties and rheological indicators of meat pates with their content. Activated water affects the pH value of pates, which in the meat industry indicates the freshness and quality of meat raw materials and products made from them. Before pasteurization, the pH value for all samples was practically identical. That is, at the initial stage, activated water does not affect the acidity of pates. In the process of storage, the concentration of (H+) ions increases in pates, and the pH shifts to the acidic side. Water activity indicators of pates with starch suspensions on activated water gravitate towards the indicators of pates more than to the indicators of starch, the range for which is within 0.280–0.400. The dependence of the change in shear stress on the relaxation time of pates showed that regardless of the dosage of the starch suspension, the values of the shear stress of the samples on the catholyte in the time range 0–300 s are significantly higher than the values of the samples on the anolyte and tap water. This is explained by the ability of these samples, having acquired the necessary structure, to be less exposed to the external influence of deformation and to keep the structure more intact. The creep curves of all samples testify about the trimodal nature of the classical experimental creep curve. Thus, the electrochemical activation of water modifies the properties of corn starch and significantly affects the rheological indicators of meat pates containing it.The obtained results can be used in the development of recipes for meat pates and their production at enterprises.Документ Influence of functional food composition on the properties of meat mince systems(2016) Strashynskyi, Igor; Fursik, Oksana; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Marynin, Andriy; Goncharov, GeorgiIn the technology of meat products, a promising direction research is the use of functional summaries shey For the improvement of minced meat systems of boiled kov- bass used the developed and researched functional a food composition containing a complex of proteins preparations with hydrocolloids. It was established that it was introduced addition to the composition of minced meat improves and stabilizes them functional-technological and structural-mechanical properties The obtained results prove the promising the ability to replace part of the meat raw material with a created one composition. У технології м’ясопродуктів перспективним напрям- ком досліджень є використання функціональних сумі- шей. Для удосконалення фаршевих систем варених ков- бас використали розроблену і досліджену функціональну харчову композицію, яка містить комплекс білкових препаратів з гідроколоїдами. Встановлено, що її внесен- ня до складу м’ясних фаршів покращує та стабілізує їх функціонально-технологічні та структурно-механічні властивості. Отримані результати доводять перспек- тивність заміни частини м’ясної сировини створеною композицією.Документ Influence of starch products on the vitality and activity of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt(2024) Ivashchenko, Olga; Khonkiv, Myroslav; Stabnikov, Victor; Polishchuk, Galyna; Marynin, Andriy; Buniowska-Olejnik, MagdalenaThe influence of starch product with different dextrose equivalents addition on the viability and activity of lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus during fermentation and storage of yogurt has been studied. An increase of dextrose equivalent and monosaccharides content in starch products reduce the fermentation time of milk due to the increase of lactic acid bacteria activity. A slight decrease in water activity in the presence of glucose-fructose syrup in yogurt in an amount of 9% had virtually no effect on the milk fermentation process. The number of lactic acid bacteria increased during the first seven days of yogurt storage added with glucose-fructose syrup. On the 14th day of storage, the concentration of cells of S. thermophilus and L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus became almost the same in all yogurts due to almost complete consumption of carbon sources. When the storage of yogurt was extended to 28 days, the most stable content of lactic acid bacteria was found in yogurt added with maltodextrin due to its prebiotic properties. The increases of active acidity and syneresis in all yogurts were greatest in the first 8–14 days. Presence of dextrins in yogurt stabilizes its physical and chemical properties during storageДокумент Influence of strong pulsed electric fields on vitamins in milk(2018) Sviatnenko, Roman; Marynin, Andriy; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, OksanaThe article presents the results of the study on changes in the content of vitamin C in processed milk by pulsed electric fields. The optimal processing modes are set.Документ Influence of temperature modes of processing chia seed meal gel on its rheological and functional-technological properties(2021) Strashynskyi, Igor; Grechko, Victoria; Fursik, Oksana; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Marynin, AndriyДокумент Investigation of a heat transfer mechanism and heat exchange intensity at some nanofluids boiling(2013) Kopylenko, Anatoliy; Marynin, Andriy; Sidorenko, Svetlana Valentinovna; Timonin, Alexander; Moraru, Vasiliy; Komysh, Dmitry; Snigur, O.; Volkov, N.Investigation of a heat transfer mechanism and heat exchange intensity at some nanofluids boiling. Дослідження механізму передачі тепла та інтенсивності теплообміну у нанорідині.Документ Investigation of the effectiveness of air pasteurization of sausage products using active packing elements(2018) Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Ukrainets, Anatoliy; Khrapachov, Oleg; Marynin, Andriy; Sviatnenko, Roman; Moroz, ElenaThe aim of the researches was to determine the effectiveness of repeated pasteurization using an air absorbent. The effectiveness of repeated pasteurization is studied at an air absorbent for prolonging the storage life of sausage products. Pasteurization was realized at temperature 85–90 °С during 15–20 minutes. The obtained results of the stability of quality indices of sausage products in storage terms up to 94 days corresponded to standard values for this product type. According to organoleptic parameters, products correspond to requirements of normative documents and have high quality indices during the indicated storage term. At the end of the storage term the deviation of the quality index of organoleptic parameters by the five-point scale was no more 0,09 units for pasteurized products with an air absorbent. The decrease of the index of the average point mark for pasteurized products without an air absorbent was 0,17 units. It proves the high stability of the quality of sausage products at the storage process. The conducted analysis as to the change of the water activity index in storage terms for pasteurized wieners with an air absorbent proves that its use doesn’t essentially influence awvalue. This effect is proved by the microbiological and organoleptic stability of sausage products at storage. Метою досліджень було визначення ефективності повторної пастеризації з використанням повітряного абсорбенту. Ефективність повторної пастеризації вивчається на повітряному абсорбенті для продовження терміну зберігання ковбасних виробів. Пастеризацію здійснювали при температурі 85–90 ° С протягом 15–20 хвилин. Отримані результати стабільності показників якості ковбасних виробів у термінах зберігання до 94 днів відповідали стандартним значенням для даного виду продукції. За органолептичними показниками продукція відповідає вимогам нормативних документів і має високі показники якості протягом зазначеного терміну зберігання. Наприкінці терміну зберігання відхилення показника якості органолептичних параметрів за п'ятибальною шкалою становило не більше 0,09 одиниць для пастеризованих продуктів з повітряним абсорбентом. Зниження індексу середньої точки для пастеризованих продуктів без поглинання повітря склало 0,17 одиниць. Це доводить високу стабільність якості ковбасних виробів при зберіганні. Проведений аналіз зміни показника водної активності в умовах зберігання пастеризованих сардельок за допомогою повітряного абсорбенту доводить, що його застосування суттєво не впливає навартість. Цей ефект підтверджується мікробіологічною і органолептичною стабільністю ковбасних виробів при зберіганні.Документ Investigation of the influence of the rosemary extract on the oxidizing stability of fats of semi-smoked sausages with peking duck meat(2020) Bozhko, Nataliia; Pasichnyi, Vasyl; Marynin, Andriy; Tischenko, Vasyl; Strashynskyi, Igor; Kyselov, OleksandrThe work is devoted to studying the fatty-acid composition and biological efficiency of a developed meat-containing semi-smoked sausage, based on duck meat with the balanced fatty-acid composition, investigating the effectiveness of using a rosemary extract in a technology of sausages with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. It is confirmed, that the fatty-acid composition of meat-containing semi-smoked sausage of Peking duck is characterized by the optimal ratio of PUFA and SFA that is 0.33, at standard 0.2–0.4. The ratio between FA families -3/-6 in the developed products is from 1:11 at recommended physiological norms of the ideal composition of lipids in a meat product as 1:10. Робота присвячена вивченню жирно-кислотного складу та біологічної ефективності розробленої м'ясовмісної напівкопченої ковбаси на основі качиного м'яса зі збалансованим жирно-кислотним складом, дослідженню ефективності використання екстракту розмарину в технології ковбасних виробів з високим вмістом ненасичених жирних кислот. Підтверджено, що жирно-кислотний склад м'ясовмісної напівкопченої ковбаси пекінської качки характеризується оптимальним співвідношенням ПНЖК і МЖК 0,33, за стандарту 0,2-0,4. Співвідношення між жирними кислотами -3 / -6 у розроблених продуктах становить 1:11 при рекомендованих фізіологічних нормах ідеального складу ліпідів у м'ясному продукті як 1:10.
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