Перегляд за Автор "Neshchadym, Larisa"
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Документ Cause of the fire at the food industry enterprises(2015) Slobodyan, Olga; Zaets, Vira; Neshchadym, Larisa; Avdienko, SvitlanaAnalysis of fires in different areas of the food industry indicates that most likely their causes are violation of rules for the arrangement and maintenance of electrical installations, careless handling of fire, violation of process regimes (especially during baking, roasting, drying or other processing method ). Аналіз пожеж на різних ділянках харчової промисловості свідчить, що, швидше за все, їх причиною є порушення правил розміщення та обслуговування електричних установок, необережне поводження з вогнем, порушення режиму роботи (особливо під час випікання, обсмажування, сушіння або іншого методу обробки ).Документ Control of radionuclides content in food products(2015) Slobodyan, Olga; Neshchadym, Larisa; Zaets, ViraДокумент Radiiation exposure and food safety(2016) Slobodyan, Olga; Neshchadym, Larisa; Zaets, ViraFood irradiation is a technology that improves the safety and extends the shelf life of food by reducing or eliminating microorganisms and insects. Preservation-irradiation can be used to destroy or inactivated organisms that cause spoilage and decomposition and extend the shelf life of food.Документ Warning of origin of fire is on the enterprises of food industry(2013) Slobodyan, Olga; Zaets, Vira; Neshchadym, LarisaThe most important task of all fire safety systems is insuring protection of people from the hazards of fire which are caused by burning process. and rescue people in case of fire. The essential task in operation of any object is to provide complete evacuation of all personnel in case of fire during one hour before the critical values of fire hazards shall appear.