Перегляд за Автор "Niemirich, Oleksandra"
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Документ Application of the swift method for risk assessment in the production of cottage cheese(2023) Melnyk, Oksana; Kuzmin, Oleg; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Lytovchenko, OleksandrThe quality and safety of food products in the modern world is the main component of sustainable development of food industry enterprises. The enterprises have implemented a system of preventive measures that prevents the occurrence of risks, assesses them, controls hazards in raw materials, technological processes and finished products, which significantly reduces the risks of threats to human life and health. An overall risk assessment enables decision makers and relevant parties to better understand the risks that may affect the achievement of objectives and the adequacy and effectiveness of the controls in place. This provides a basis for making decisions about the most appropriate approach to handling the risks that may arise in the manufacture of food products. Risk analysis involves consideration of the cause and sources of risk, their consequences and the likelihood of these consequences. The paper considers the methodology of «what if?» risk assessment in the production of cottage cheese. The advantages and disadvantages of this method, the process of identifying, assessing and preventing risks are presented.Документ Assessment of color of meat using the method of computer colorimetry(2016) Petrusha, Oksana; Niemirich, OleksandraIn the article is considered a possibility to use the accessible modern digital technique: flatbet scanners, digital photocameras and web-cameras for determination of color of foodstuff. У статті розглядається можливість використання доступної сучасної цифрової техніки: планшетних сканерів, цифрових фотоапаратів та веб-камер для визначення кольору харчових продуктів.Документ Definition indicators of quality of the confectionery semi-finished product with powder from carrot(2016) Ianchyk, Mariia; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Yanchyk, Olena; Dranenko, OksanaThe technology of receiving finishing semi-finished products provides use of a substance that forms the structure and thickeners. In this regard functional and technological properties of the powder from carrots received by cold spray drying (CSD) were studied. It is obvious that introduction of powder leads to emergence in a ready-made product of a peculiar color, aroma and taste. Therefore, the special attention needs to be paid to research of organoleptic properties of powder from carrots. Powder from carrots has the saturated orange color, homogeneous throughout the mass, a pleasant smell with flavor of carrots, without visible inclusions and impurity. Humidity powder is not more than 5%; water absorption coefficient — 2.325 kg/kg; water connecting ability — 6.15%; emulsifying capacity — 1.94 ml/g; ability to hold oil — 0.805 ml/g. At introduction of powders to confectionery masses it is expedient to use powders with a size of particles up to 15 micron and content of this fraction not less than 75...80%. Justification of these parameters is that particles with sizes more than 20... 25 microns are felt organoleptic. Therefore we investigated by a microscopic method dispersion of powder from carrots. In this powder most (namely 82%) represented the fraction of particles to 15 microns. Considering the above-stated data, this powder was used as a substance that forms the structure for production of a confectionery semi-finished product which includes fondant mass , butter, surfactants and powder from carrots. It was investigated physical and chemical indicators of the received semi-finished product. This semi-finished product has a glossy, but not sticky surface; homogeneous plastic consistence; orange color; pleasant flavor and barely perceptible odor of carrots. Moisture is 11,5%. The content of reducing substances is 4,2%. The size of crystals of the main fraction is 10—15 microns. Apparently from the presented data, at addition of powder from carrots, physical and chemical indicators of quality of a confectionery semi-finished product are in admissible limits of values. Thus, it is shown that powder from carrots cold spray drying provides a confectionery semi-finished product with attractive organoleptic properties and corresponding to physical and chemical indicators of quality.Документ Definition indicators of quality of the confectionery semi-finished product with powders from banana and carrotDefinition indicators of quality of the confectionery semi-finished product with powders from banana and carrot(2016) Ianchyk, Mariia; Niemirich, OleksandraIntroduction. Research of technological properties of powders from the carrots and banana received by cold spray drying, with the purpose of definition the influence of plant raw materials on indicators of quality of a confectionery semifinished product. Materials and methods. Determination of dispersion of plant powders carried out by calculation of the sizes of powders particles using an eyepiece micrometer and an optical microscope at increase by 400 times. The research of physical and chemical indicators of quality of the received semi-finished products was defined by standard techniques. Results and discussion. Determination of dispersion plant powders by microscopic method showed that the largest volume of particles in the studied samples is presented by fraction to 20 microns, this fraction in banana powder contained in volume of 81%, carrot – 78%. That is, the particles in the finished product will not be felt organoleptically. Powder from banana is homogeneous behind small fractions of particles, presented by segments of spherical shape, uniform in all weight. Powder from banana holds fatbetter (0,92 ml/g),which, on the contrary, has smaller water connecting ability (6,33%). The similar return tendency is shown also in powder from carrots: at bigger water absorption and water retention (6,93%) this powder has less ability to hold fat (0,89 ml/g). When determining influence of the chosen dosages of the studied powders on organoleptic properties of a co nfectionery semi-finished product as rational was selected the powder dosage from carrots – 5% and powder from banana – 18% to prescription masses that allows to receive a confectionery semifinished product with high flavoring properties, namely –uniformstructure, a plastic consistence, with the taste and a smell inherent in this fruit.The mass fraction of moisture of a confectionery semifinished product with powder of carrots is 12,2% and with powder of banana – 11,6%. Mass fraction of fat of 25% and 18% respectively. Content of the reducing substances 4,4% and 4,2% are almost equal in the received semi-finished products. The size of crystals of the main fraction is 10–15 microns.Conclusions. By results of researches, it is possible to recommend use of fine dispersed plant powders in confectionery production for the purpose of increase in nutrition value and expansion the range of finished goods.Документ Development of complex quantity assessment method of butter quality(2018) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Kuzmin, Oleg; Vasheka, Oksana; Zychuk, TetyanaThe purpose of the work is the scientific enrichment of sweet butter mixtures with polyphenolic compounds from vegetable raw materials, namely, cherry and ginger powder. The method of evaluation of the organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological parameters, toxic elements, radionuclide content, mycotoxin content, pesticide content and nutrient content (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins) of the sweet butter mixture using the Harrington desirability function is developed.Документ Development of the custard recipe using confectionery semifinished product with banana powder(2017) Ianchyk, Mariia; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Khargeliia (Karputina), Daria; Yanchyk, OlenaExpansion of the range of confectionery production of restaurant business institutions, increase in their nutrition value is an urgent task of scientists. As shows the analysis of modern publications, confectionery research today, enhance their parameters of engineering procedures, enrich with berry, fruit, vegetable purees, powders, extracts. Among a wide range of food products, flour confectionery products with finishing semi-finished products are the most energy intensive. In this regard, after analyzing modern research in the field of finishing semi-finished products, we came to the conclusion about the creation of a universal confectionary semi-finished product with banana powder, which will significantly reduce the time of the manufacturing process and will have an increased nutritional and taste value. The received confectionery semifinished product can be used as a stuffing, finishing material, glaze, etc. Therefore determination of a mass fraction of a confectionery semifinished product with banana powder in technology of custard was the purpose of our research.Документ Differences in the composition of vocable compounds in fresh and dried mixed heat supply of white rolled cabbage(2020) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Frolova, Natalia; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, AndreyComparison of volatile substances between fresh and dried samples of cabbage allows us to claim the preservation of valuable biological substances of fresh cabbage after drying with mixed heat and to spread this method of processing cabbage with maximum use of its useful properties.Порівняння летких речовин у свіжих і висушених зразках капусти підтверджує збереження цінних біологічних речовин свіжої капусти після сушіння зі змішаним теплопідведенням. Цей спосіб оброблення капусти максимально зберігає її корисні властивості.Документ Effect of banana powder and butter on the formation of the crystalline phase of sugar fondant(2018) Ianchyk, Mariia; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Vasheka, Oksana; Petrusha, Oksana; Pogozhikh, NikolayThe aim of this research was to study the influence of the selected ingredients on the process of formation of the crystal phase of sugar fondant, which is the basis for the confectionery semi-finished product. Проведено дослідження впливу суміші масла вершкового, порошку банану і поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР) на теплофізичні властивості і структуру кондитерського напівфабрикату для оздоблення борошняних кондитерських виробів.Документ Effects of the water desalting by reverse osmosis on the process of formation of water-alcohol mixtures. 1H NMR spectroscopy studies(2017) Kuzmin, Oleg; Sujkov, Sergey; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Ditrikh, Iryna; Sylka, IrynaExperimentally, using the method of 1H NMR spectroscopy, the influence of the use of reverse osmosis of water treatment on the spectral characteristics of mobile protons of ethanol and water, as well as the stabilization of the system in the process of creation of water-alcohol mixtures, was established.Документ Efficiency of gas chromatographic analysis of terpens and terpenoids of sources of aromatic substances, taking into account the polarity of the stationary phase(2020) Frolova, Natalia; Ukrainets, Anatoliy; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Melnyk, Oksana; Ustymenko, IhorThe results of the research allow us to increase the reproducibility of gas chromatographic analysis of sources of aromatic substances, as well as to choose SP, which can be interchangeable and provide a similar separation.Результати дослідження дозволяють збільшити відтворюваність газохроматографічного аналізу джерел ароматичних речовин, а також вибрати СП, який може бути взаємозамінним та забезпечити подібне розділення.Документ Ensuring the competitiveness of restaurants by determining the quality of diets(2020) Kuzmin, Oleg; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Koretska, Iryna; Pastukh, Hanna; Ustymenko, Ihor; Berezhna, TatyanaMethod of quality rating of daily rations in hotels and restaurants is considered. The structure of qualitative indexes and results of experimental research of complex diet quantitative rating are represented. Розглянуто методику оцінки якості добового раціону харчування у готелях та ресторанах. Представлено структуру якісних показників та результати експериментального дослідження кількісної оцінки комплексного раціону харчування.Документ Expansion of the range of flour culinary dishes for special purposes(2024) Zemlyanchuk, Andriy; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Kuzmin, Oleg; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Yastreba, SergeyРозглянута можливість використання нових видів безглютенового борошна (кіноа та зелене гречане борошно) в рецептурах борошняних кулінарних страв – млинців. Склад і технологія приготування готових млинців з використанням безглютенових видів борошна науково обґрунтовано. Були отримані нові дані, які свідчать про доцільність змішування різних безглютенових сортів борошна в рецептурах борошняних кулінарних виробів. Страви з урахуванням харчової цінності, органолептичних показників, структурних і механічних властивостей тіста, зі встановленням оптимального співвідношення кількості борошна з зеленої гречка і кіноа. Досліджені органолептичні та фізико-хімічні показники якості нових страв, які відрізняються від контролю відсутністю глютену.Документ Exploring the color of plant powders using computer colorimetry(2016) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Petrusha, Oksana; Vasheka, Oksana; Trofimchuk, Lyudmila; Myndrul, NataliaThe results of the determination of the colour of vegetable powders from vegetables and fruits using modern digital technology. The values of the colour coordinates of powders in dry and reconstituted species, as well as in prepared dishes, are determined. The prospects for using the methodology for determining the color of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products for quality control of production are justified.Документ Finely dispersed spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials as surfactants for oil in water emulsion(2015) Liavynets, Heorhii; Ishchenko, Tatiana; Havrysh, Andrey; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Arsenieva, Larisa; Dovgun, IrinaStabilizing properties of the finely dispersed powders of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials in the oil in water emulsion are studied. The dependence of the rheological properties of sauces on the concentration of phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product (PhOCSP) is investigated. The forms of moisture linking in sauces of the emulsion type with optimal dosage of PhOCSP are determined by the thermogravimetric method.Документ Formation of emulsion properties with celery root powder(2023) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Skyrda, Olena; Zhytnetskyi, Ihor; Podobiy, Olena; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Lulka, Alexander; Tkachuk, Yuriy; Pushka, Olga; Doroshkevych, RuslanCelery root powder obtained by drying with mixed heat supply, which is a promising raw material of plant origin as a source of biologically active substances for use in the composition of culinary products of polyphasic type due to functional and technological properties contributes to the formation of appropriate emulsion properties, prescription ingredients of this plant material. The work aims to study the effect of celery root powder obtained by drying with mixed heat supply on sedimentation resistance, structure and rheological properties of emulsions for a wide range of culinary products.Документ Formation of technological indices of dry powder of cabbage(2018) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Vasheka, Oksana; Petrusha, Oksana; Pogozhikh, NikolayOne of the resource-saving methods of drying, from the point of view of preserving food and biological value, providing the appropriate recovery properties of dried food products (DFP) and energy intensity of the process, is drying with mixed heat supply (MHS drying). Одним з ресурсозберігаючих методів сушіння, з точки зору збереження харчової та біологічної цінності, забезпечення відповідних відновлювальних властивостей сушених харчових продуктів (СХП) та енергоємності процесу, є сушіння зі змішаним теплопідведенням.Документ Hospitality establishments and restaurant environment in Кyiv as centres of urban culture and tourist(2024) Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Skyrda, Olena; Mykhailov, Bohdan; Lytovchenko, Oleksandr; Penkinа, NataliiaУ статті представлено роль і місце ресторанного бізнесу у формуванні сприятливого туристичного середовища. Продемонстровано сучасні тенденції адаптації ресторанного господарства до сучасних умов воєнного стану, який існує в Україні, а також позитивну роль у забезпеченні безпечного середовища та позитивному впливі на психоемоційний стан населення.Документ Influence of cold fruit powders spray drying on quality of fondant masses(2015) Ianchyk, Mariia; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Smirnova, ElizabethДокумент Influence of dietary supplement based on heme iron on dough properties and quality of antianemic cupcakes(2021) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Frolova, Natalia; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Furmanova, Yuliia; Pavliuchenko, Elena; Skyrda, Olena; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Lulka, Alexander; Matiushenko, RaisaProviding the diet of all segments of the population with sufficient organic iron is an urgent problem today. The work aims to study the effect of a dietary supplement based on heme iron on the properties of gluten, dough, and the quality of antianemic cupcakes. Test samples of prescription compositions of cupcakes were obtained by coadministration of a dietary supplement with ferrous iron (“Redham” from the blood of slaughter animals) and esters of citric acid, mono-, and di-glycerides of fatty acids. The content of gluten in the test samples, its elasticity, elongation, hydration ability was determined by the mechanical method. The microstructure of the study objects was determined by microscopy. The viscosity of the dough was measured on a rotary viscometer with a controlled shear rate, the value of which depends on the speed and the size of the gap between the cylinders, in one of which was placed the test samples. The strength of adhesion of model samples of the test was investigated on the device of Boris Nikolaev, where the force of separation, attributed to the contact area, is realized. The alkalinity of the cupcakes was determined by acid titration, the specific volume of the cupcakes - by measuring the volume of bulk filler extruded by the product, and then dividing the volume of the product by its weight. The process of hardening of cupcakes was controlled by changing the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb, determined using a penetrometer AP-4/1, and its brittleness. Given the daily requirement of an adult in iron, we created prototypes of cupcakes with the introduction of dietary supplement “Redham” in the amount of 4, and 6% of the total mass. The addition of “Redham” to cupcakes deteriorate the rheological properties of gluten, dough and contributes to the production of finished products in a reduced volume, with a too dense crumb, less resistant to hardening. To improve the quality of cupcakes with a mass fraction of “Redham” with 4 and 6%, we used citric acid esters, and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, which were pre-mixed with a dietary powder additive. As a result, the value of the brittleness index in the samples increased by 1.48 and 1.44 times, respectively, the total deformation of the crumb after 7 days of storage - by 1.1 and 1.2 times, respectively, and the specific volume of products increases by 1.1 times. Obtained flour confectionery products characterized by the content of ferrous iron can be recommended for mass (4% “Redham” content), and therapeutic and prophylactic (6% “Redham” content) consumption, which should be confirmed with a further clinical studies.Документ Innovation recipe ice cream “gelato” with inulin(2023) Sofinska, Valeria; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Havrysh, AndreyУ статті представлено інноваційну технологію приготування морозива «Джелато» з використанням інуліну. Морозиво є популярним продуктом харчування на ринку харчової промисловості та в ресторанах. Згідно зі статистичними даними, морозиво споживають понад 70% населення України. У сучасному світі проблема ожиріння серед дорослих та дітей стоїть досить гостро. До ожиріння призводить безліч факторів, одним із яких є вживання неякісних молочних продуктів. Саме тому розробка малокалорійних молочних продуктів є актуальним напрямом. Як функціональний інгредієнт у рецептурі інноваційного морозива був обраний інулін з цикорію. The article presents an innovative technology for making “Gelato” ice cream using inulin. Ice cream is a popular food product on the food industry market and in restaurants. According to statistical data, ice cream is consumed by more than 70% of the population of Ukraine. In the modern world, the problem of obesity among adults and children is quite acute. Many factors lead to obesity, one of which is the consumption of poor-quality dairy products. That is why the development of low-calorie dairy products is an urgent direction. Inulin from chicory was chosen as a functional ingredient in the innovative ice cream recipe.
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