Перегляд за Автор "Pastushenko, A."
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Документ Intensification of biochemical purification of oil wastewater process by acting on biocenosis activity(2012) Semenova, Olena; Bublienko, Natalia; Smirnova, Elizabeth; Shylofost, Tatiana; Pastushenko, A.Questions intensification of biochemical sewage treatment using yeast autolysate. Studied the stimulatory effect of yeast autolysate on the kinetics of the purification process and the quality of sludge from the viewpoint of its utilization. Розглянуто питання інтенсифікації біохімічного очищення стічних вод за допомогою дріжджового автолізату. Вивчено стимулюючий вплив дріжджового автолізату на кінетику процесу очищення і на якість активного мулу з точки зору можливості його утилізації.Документ The treatment of waste water from oil hydrocarbons(2013) Semenova, Olena; Bublienko, Natalia; Pastushenko, A.; Shylofost, TatianaThe basic indicators of sewage contamination businesses that include refined petroleum, and proved that they are suitable for biochemical purification. These figures wastewater after treatment.Документ Wastewater containing hydrocarbon oil(2013) Semenova, Olena; Bublienko, Natalia; Pastushenko, A.; Shylofost, TatianaThe basic indicators of sewage contamination businesses that include refined petroleum, and proved that they are suitable for biochemical purification. These figures wastewater after treatment.