Перегляд за Автор "Polishchuk, Galyna"
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Документ Analysis of the nature of the composition substances of sour-milk dessert with plant-based fillers(2022) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Kurmach, Mykhailo; Bass, OksanaThe nature and interaction of the constituent substances that make up the sour-milk dessert with plant-based fillers have been studied by the method of IR spectroscopy. This method is used to study the diverse nature of substances. The spectral range applied was in the range of 500–4,000 s -1. It was found that the intensity of functional groups absorption in the range of 2,500–3,500 s-1 is due to the valence vibrations of NH-, CH and S-H-groups, indicating the presence of free organic acids, aromatic substances. In addition, in the spectra of sour-milk dessert with plant-based fillers, an absorption intensity in the range of 1,470–1,335 s-1 is observed, which indicates the presence of soluble pectin. Proteins characteristics in the samples are observed at absorption in the range of 3,300–3,500 cm-1, which is due to the valence vibrations of the N-H bond in the -NH2 groupsДокумент Application of milk protein concentrates in preparation of reduced fat sour cream(2022) Mykhalevych, Artur; Kostenko, Olena; Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), UlianaThe rational doses of milk-protein ingredients in reduced fat sour cream that prevent excessive acidity of milk cream during fermentation, structure and stabilize this product during 5 days of storage, are the following: skimmed milk powder, 1%, sodium caseinate, 0.5%, caseinate calcium, 0.75%, whey protein concentrate, 1%, hydrolyzed whey concentrate, 30%. According to the level of inhibition of the lactic acid fermentation, milk-protein concentrates in the specified quantities can be arranged in the following sequence: skimmed milk powder → whey protein concentrate → caseinate calcium → hydrolyzed whey concentrate → sodium caseinate. By microstructural analysis of reduced fat sour cream, it was determined that 1% whey protein concentrate ensures proper moisture binding in the sour milk clot and contributes to the formation of a delicate structure with finely dispersed cells, while the use of 30% hydrolyzed whey concentrate forms a more viscous consistency of the product due to the presence of monosaccharides in it, which have a higher adsorption capacity for free moisture. The greatest structuring ability of caseinates and the most significant influence of whey proteins on the thixotropic properties of the reduced fat sour cream have been proved. A comprehensive indicator of the quality of reduced fat sour cream with milk-protein concentrates was calculated. Samples with 1% whey protein concentrate and 30% hydrolyzed whey concentrate had the most attractive sensory indicators, and got the highest score. The chemical composition of reduced fat sour cream samples with whey proteins was studied. It was found that 1% of whey protein concentrate increases the biological value by 1.3%, while 30% of hydrolyzed whey concentrate decreases it by 3.5%. According to the research results, whey protein concentrate was classified as a biological enhancer with moderate technological properties, and hydrolyzed whey concentrate as an effective technological additive that imitates the quality indicators of an analogue with medium fat content of 18-20%. Раціональними дозами молочно-білкових інгредієнтів у складі низькожирної сметани, що запобігають перекисанню вершків, структурують та стабілізують цей продукт впродовж 5-ти діб зберігання є наступні: сухе знежирене молоко – 1%, казеїнат натрію– 0,5%, казеїнат кальцію – 0,75%, концентрат сироваткових білків – 1%, концентрат гідролізованої сироватки – 30%. За ступенем гальмування процесу молочнокислого бродіння молочно-білкові концентрати у вказаних кількостях можна розташувати у такій послідовності: сухе знежирене молоко → концентрат сироваткових білків → казеїнат кальцію → концентрат гідролізованої сироватки → казеїнат натрію. За результатами мікроструктурного аналізу зразків низькожирної сметани визначено, що 1% концентрат сироваткових білків забезпечує належне утримання вологи у кисломолочному згустку та сприяє формуванню ніжної структури з дрібнодисперсними комірками, а використання 30% концентрат гідролізованої сироватки формує більш в’язку консистенцію продукту за наявності в ньому моноцукрів, які мають вищу адсорбувальну здатність вільної вологи. Доведено найбільшу структуруючу здатність казеїнатів та найсуттєвіший вплив сироваткових білків на тиксотропні властивості сметанного продукту. Проведено органолептичну оцінку та розраховано комплексний показник якості зразків низькожирної сметани та визначено зразки з 1% концентрат сироваткових білків та 30% концентратом гідролізованої сироватки як такі, що мають найбільш привабливі органолептичні показники. Досліджено хімічний склад зразків низькожирної сметани з сироватковими білками. Встановлено, що 1% концентрат сироваткових білків підвищує біологічну цінність на 1,3%, в той час як 30% концентрат гідролізованої сироватки знижує на 3,5%. За результатами досліджень, концентрат сироваткових білків було віднесено до біологічного збагачувача з помірними технологічними властивостями, а концентрат гідролізованої сироватки до ефективної технологічної добавки, що імітує показники якості аналогу із середньою жирністю 20%.Документ Co-Gelation of Pumpkin-Seed Protein with Egg-White Protein(2023) Tomczynska-Mleko, Marta; Terpiłowski, Konrad; Pérez-Huertas, Salvador; Sapiga, Victoria; Polishchuk, Galyna; Sołowiej, Bartosz; Nastaj, Maciej; Wesołowska-Trojanowska, Marta; Mleko, StanislawThe aim of this study was to investigate the gelation process of binary mixes of pumpkin-seed and egg-white proteins. The substitution of pumpkin-seed proteins with egg-white proteins improved the rheological properties of the obtained gels, i.e., a higher storage modulus, lower tangent delta, and larger ultrasound viscosity and hardness. Gels with a larger egg-white protein content were more elastic and more resistant to breaking structure. A higher concentration of pumpkin-seed protein changed the gel microstructure to a rougher and more particulate one. The microstructure was less homogenous, with a tendency to break at the pumpkin/egg-white protein gel interface. The decrease in the intensity of the amide II band with an increase in the pumpkin-seed protein concentration showed that the secondary structure of this protein evolved more toward a linear amino acid chain compared with the egg-white protein, which could have an impact on the microstructure. The supplementation of pumpkin-seed proteins with egg-white proteins caused a decrease in water activity from 0.985 to 0.928, which had important implications for the microbiological stability of the obtained gels. Strong correlations were found between the water activity and rheological properties of the gels; an improvement of their rheological properties resulted in a decrease in water activity. The supplementation of pumpkin-seed proteins with egg-white proteins resulted in more homogenous gels with a stronger microstructure and better water binding.Документ Complex Analysis of Quality Indices of Ice Cream with the Use of Milk and Protein Concentrates(2019) Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturThe scientific and practical interest in the dairy industry is the development aimed at obtaining food with high nutritional value, which corresponds to the basic concept of balanced and rational nutrition. These products include the technology of frozen desserts (ice cream) using milk -protein concentrates. At the Department of Technology of Milk and Dairy Products of the National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine), ice cream formulations were developed, which include full -fledged protein concentrates - cottage cheese and soy protein concentrate.Документ Cryoprotective ability of starch syrup in the composition of aromatic and fruit-berry ice cream(2019) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, Oksana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Breus, NataliaFor complete replacement of sugar in the ice cream the starch syrup of different degree of saccharinization was chosen: glucose-fructose syrup GFS (dextrose equivalent 98) and syrup caramel SC (dextrose equivalent 30). GFS, in comparison with control samples with sugar, due to the high content of mono-sugars, significantly reduces the cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures. While, the SC boosts this figure. Therefore, in order to maintain the recommended balance on the content of frozen water at each stage of low-temperature processing of ice cream mixtures, it is expedient to combine the cryoprotective capacity of the syrup with different dextrose equivalent. The ranges of optimal correlations between GFS and SC in compositions were calculated, allowing to receive the content of frozen water, according to control samples – from 30:70 to 40:60 for aromatic ice cream and from 50:50 to 90:10 – for fruit-berry ice-cream. Microstructural analysis of ice cream samples has demonstrated the expediency of complete replacement of sugar on the syrup compositions, which provides the formation of a more homogeneous finished product structure, compared with control samples with sugar.Для повної заміни цукру в морозиві було обрано крохмальний сироп різного ступеня сахаринізації: глюкозо-фруктозний сироп GFS (декстрозний еквівалент 98) та сироп карамельний SC (декстрозний еквівалент 30). GFS, порівняно з контрольними зразками з цукром, завдяки високому вмісту моно-цукрів значно знижує кріоскопічну температуру сумішей. У той час як НС збільшує цю цифру. Тому, щоб підтримувати рекомендований баланс за вмістом замерзлої води на кожному етапі низькотемпературної обробки сумішей з морозивом, доцільно поєднувати кріопротекторну здатність сиропу з різним еквівалентом декстрози. Діапазони оптимальних співвідношень між GFS та SC у композиціях розраховувались, що дозволяло отримувати вміст замороженої води, за контрольними зразками - від 30:70 до 40:60 для ароматичного морозива та від 50:50 до 90:10 - для фруктово-ягідного морозива. Мікроструктурний аналіз зразків морозива продемонстрував доцільність повної заміни цукру на сиропних композиціях, що забезпечує формування більш однорідної структури готового продукту порівняно з контрольними зразками з цукром.Документ Designing the technology of pastous milk-containing foodstuffs for the diets of military personnel(2016) Polishchuk, Galyna; Simahina, Galina; Naumenko, Nataliia; Ustymenko, IhorThe composition and method of obtaining food emulsions used for the normalization of mixtures in the production of various types of milk-containing products, including for military personnel, have been developed.Документ Development of a new type of alcoholic ice cream(2021) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Kuzmyk, UlyanaThe modern range of milk-based ice cream with an alcohol component was analyzed. The choice of alcoholic tincture in the composition of milk ice cream was substantiated. The cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures was determined using a measuring complex, the dynamic viscosity was determined by a Heppler viscometer, the melting resistance was determined by the melting time of the hardened ice cream samples, and the ice cream was whipped by the weight method. The possibility of using tinctures with an alcohol content of 20% as a part of milk ice cream has been scientifically confirmed. The selection of the structure stabilizer and rational modes of maturation of milk-alcohol mixtures were substantiated by the values of the coefficient of dynamic viscosity. According to the cryoscopic temperature of ice cream mixtures, it was found that the production of ice cream with a mass fraction of alcohol up to 3% determines the possibility of using conventional freezing modes to obtain a product of guaranteed quality. A new type of milk ice cream with the use of tinctures can be recommended for the introduction of the classical technological scheme of production with the clarification of maturation modes.Документ Development of mathematical apparatus of the expert system for modelling ice cream recipes with specified quality parameters(2019) Breus, Natalia; Hrybkov, Serhii; Polishchuk, Galyna; Seidykh, OlgaAs a result of the development of the expert system mathematical apparatus, a set-theoretical mathematical model of the finished product quality control at the stage of operative planning of new types of ice cream with increased nutritional value has been obtained; multi-component ice cream recipes have been optimized in terms of composition; and a model for determining the optimal set of control actions in the presence of technological defects in the calculation of recipes has been built.Документ Development of resource-saving technologies in the dairy industry(2021) Mykhalevych, Artur; Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, OksanaDevelopment and implementation of resource-saving technologies at dairy industry enterprises of Ukraine is a modern direction of production sustainable development and economically profitable investment, which not only saves raw materials, but also affects the growth of production and reduces the negative impact on the environment.Документ Effect of natural ingredients on the structural-mechanical and physicochemical properties of ice cream mixes(2022) Sapiga, Victoria; Polishchuk, Galyna; Tomczynska-Mleko, Marta; Mleko, Stanislaw; Terpiłowski, Konrad; Pérez-Huertas, SalvadorIn modern nutrition, there is an increased consumer demand for low-calorie products. Meanwhile, ice cream of classic types is a product with a high fat content (10–16%). Therefore, there is a high demand on production of new types of low-fat or non-fat ice cream. An ice cream is treated as a low-fat product when it contains below 5% of fat. In the process of modifying ice cream recipes, the main task is to obtain a product with a characteristic creamy consistency and high resistance to melting, which is ensured by maintaining a certain balance between the content of free and bound water, the specified values of the cryoscopic temperature and other physicochemical parameters.Документ Effects of protein and carbohydrate ingredients on colour of baked milk products(2024) Mandiuk, Olena; Lohinova, Anna; Arsenieva, Larisa; Petrusha, Oksana; Polishchuk, GalynaIn the CIE Lab system, only the coordinates “a” and “b” should be used to characterize the color change of milk of 2.5% fat and cream of 10% fat during heat treatment at 95–97 ⁰C for 160–180 min, as the L indicator (light level) is not sufficiently informative. According to the selected coordinates, rational ranges were established as a criterion for the completeness of the Maillard reaction for baked milk and cream, in particular for coordinate “a” in the range from 1.5 to 2.0 units, for coordinate “b” from 11.5 to 13.0 units. The application of whey protein concentrate, hydrolysed demineralized whey concentrate, and glucose-fructose syrup, which contain monosaccharides and proteins, significantly enhanced the Maillard reaction. The recommended values for color coordinates of cream with milk protein and carbohydrate ingredients were achieved during the simmering process. For cream with whey protein concentrate, this occurs at a minimum of 21 min; for cream with hydrolysed whey concentrate at a minimum of 28 min, and for cream with glucose-fructose syrup and whey protein concentrate at a minimum of 18 min. The samples with whey protein concentrate and glucose-fructose syrup, including those one with whey protein concentrate, showed an excellent level of quality in terms of sensory characteristics after 20 min, while the sample with hydrolysed whey concentrate demonstrated this after 30 min of simmering. These results correlated with the rational duration of cream simmering to achieve the recommended degree of color. A slight decrease in acidity was observed in all cream samples during the heating process. The reduction in the duration of the simmering process of dairy products with simultaneous achievement of recommended color characteristics will contribute to a significant reduction in heat energy consumptionДокумент Enzymatic destruction of protopectin in vegetable raw materials to increase its structuring ability in ice cream(2021) Sapiga, Victoria; Polishchuk, Galyna; Breus, Natalia; Osmak (Fedchenko), TetianaThe expediency of protopectin enzymatic hydrolysis of vegetable raw materials as a functional-technological semi-finished product for ice cream production is proved. In dispersed food systems, pectins as protective colloids have a stabilizing and emulsifying ability, form a creamy consistency, increase whipping and control syneresis, which is important for the formation of ice cream quality indicators. Highly purified pectin preparations are usually used in ice cream.Документ Evaluation of social and economic efficiency from the intoduction of acidophilic-whey enriched ice cream(2021) Mykhalevych, Artur; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), UlianaIce cream belongs to the group of dairy desserts that are in great demand among consumers and have a high nutritional value. The modern range of ice cream is quite wide, but unfortunately, almost does not include ice cream with a balanced content of essential nutrients. Instead, the range of domestic ice cream is mainly high-fat products of cream and ice cream groups, although the world's demand for low-calorie milk ice cream is growing every year. To improve the nutritional status of the population of Ukraine, a new type of acidophilic enriched ice cream has been developed at the Department of Milk and Dairy Products Technology of NUFT. Ice cream was produced on the basis of whey with the use of a complex of proteins (whey protein concentrate, sodium caseinate, soy protein isolate) and probiotic starter based on Lactobacillus acidophilus. To improve consumer characteristics, vegetable pectin-containing paste was introduced into fermented milk ice cream.Документ Food value study of acidophilic-whey ice cream(2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturThe dietary structure of most people is extremely inconsistent with modern principles of rational nutrition and practical dietetics. By developing and improving the composition of products that increase the body's resistance in an unfavorable environment, including dairy, it is quite possible to improve the quality of human life, as well as to ensure the body's adaptation to unfavorable living and working conditions. Based on the results of previous studies, new types of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with protein, have been developed. The amino acid composition and mineral composition of new types of ice cream enriched with protein were investigated with the help of amino acid and express analyzers. Based on the daily human need for these substances, it was concluded that the biological value of ice cream, enriched with a complex of proteins, increased by 15% in comparison with the control. It was also found that the introduction of pectin-containing raw materials into the composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream with protein concentrate provides a ratio of minerals that is close to the optimal for all age categories.Документ Functional and technological properties of oat beta-glucan in acidophilic-whey ice cream(2022) Mykhalevych, Artur; Sapiga, Victoria; Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), TetianaДокумент Functional and technological properties of protein ingredients in whey ice cream(2022) Mykhalevych, Artur; Polishchuk, Galyna; Buniowska-Olejnik, Magdalena; Tomczynska-Mleko, Marta; Mleko, StanislawThis study explores rheological characteristics of mixes of whey ice cream with protein ingredients. The viscosity characteristics of the mixes were studied by the method of rotational viscometry. Foam overrun and foam resistance of ice cream mixes were determined using modified methods. The expediency of using protein ingredients in whey ice cream mixes to increase their nutritional value was shown. Addition of whey protein isolate in the amount of 3-5%, micellar casein, 3%, or whey protein concentrate, 3%, increased the foam overrun of whey ice cream mixes, while addition of soy protein isolate decreased it. The highest rate of foam resistance, 57.6-58.4%, was recorded for the mix with 3-5% of whey protein isolate. Based on the results of the analysis of flow rheograms of ice cream mixes with various protein ingredients, they were classified as food systems with a coagulation structure, characterized by pronounced thixotropic properties. In the case of micellar casein, whey protein concentrate or whey protein isolate, the thixotropic ability of the mixes increases from 58.2% to 62.2-72.2%. Soy protein isolate does not show the specified technological activity. The highest thixotropy of the mixes was observed for mixes with 3% micellar casein and 3-5% whey protein isolate due to their specific ability to form a spatial coagulation structure, which spontaneously restores the structure after destruction due to the presence of numerous low-energy bonds. Whey protein concentrate has a moderate effect on the rheological characteristics of the mixes, while the presence of soy protein isolate leads to a partial loss of the ability of the mixes to spontaneously restore the destroyed structure. The possibility to increase the total protein content in ice cream from 3.45% to 6.02-7.81% due to the use of technologically effective milk-protein ingredients has been proven. Micellar casein and whey protein isolate in the composition of whey ice cream mixes show high technological activity and significantly improve the quality indicators of the finished product. Це дослідження вивчає реологічні характеристики сумішей сироваткового морозива з білковими інгредієнтами. В'язкісні характеристики сумішей досліджували методом ротаційної віскозиметрії. Піностійкість сумішей для морозива визначали модифікованими методами. Показано доцільність використання білкових інгредієнтів у сумішах сироваткового морозива для підвищення їх харчової цінності. Додавання ізоляту сироваткового протеїну в кількості 3-5%, міцелярного казеїну 3% або концентрату сироваткового білка 3% підвищувало піноутворення сумішей сироваткового морозива, а додавання ізоляту соєвого білка зменшувало його. Найвищий показник піностійкості 57,6-58,4% зафіксований для суміші з 3-5% ізоляту сироваткового протеїну. За результатами аналізу реограм течії сумішей для морозива з різними білковими інгредієнтами їх віднесено до харчових систем з коагуляційною структурою, що характеризуються вираженими тиксотропними властивостями. У випадку міцелярного казеїну, концентрату сироваткового білка або ізоляту сироваткового білка тиксотропна здатність сумішей підвищується з 58,2% до 62,2-72,2%. Ізолят соєвого білка не виявляє зазначеної технологічної активності. Найвищу тиксотропність сумішей спостерігали у сумішей з 3% міцелярного казеїну та 3-5% ізоляту сироваткового білка через їх специфічну здатність утворювати просторову коагуляційну структуру, яка спонтанно відновлює структуру після руйнування за рахунок наявності численних низьких енергетичні зв'язки. Концентрат сироваткового протеїну має помірний вплив на реологічні характеристики сумішей, тоді як наявність ізоляту соєвого білка призводить до часткової втрати здатності сумішей до самовільного відновлення зруйнованої структури. Доведено можливість підвищити вміст загального білка в морозиві з 3,45% до 6,02-7,81% за рахунок використання технологічно ефективних молочно-білкових інгредієнтів. Міцелярний казеїн та ізолят сироваткового протеїну у складі сумішей для сироваткового морозива виявляють високу технологічну активність та значно покращують якісні показники готової продукції.Документ Hybrid e xpert system to model the ice cream recipes(2017) Breus, Natalia; Hrybkov, Serhii; Polishchuk, GalynaThe method of ice cream recipe modeling is developed, which, unlike traditional ones, is based on the application of processing expert data and optimization methods. It allows to significantly expand the range of tasks. These tasks solutions can bring significant economic effect.Документ Ice cream phase composition study using low temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy(2013) Polishchuk, Galyna; Ivanov, Sergey; Krupskaya, Tatyana; Turov, VladimirThe results of undertaken studies can be used to calculate the actual sucrose and lactose concentrations in mixtures and ice cream through a wide range of low temperatures.Документ Improving the technology of restructured ham-type products from Turkey meat and PSE pork(2021) Shevchenko (Kishenko), Iryna; Polishchuk, Galyna; Topchiy, Oksana; Kotlyar, Eugene; Osmak (Fedchenko), TetianaThe research has proved the practical importance of using a biopolymer complex of thermostable animal proteins with functional and technological properties as a component of restructured ham-type products. It has been established that the water-holding and fat-holding capacity and the stabilising power of meat products significantly increase due to the introduction of the biopolymer complex developed by the authors, which contains sodium caseinate, buttermilk powder, and blood plasma Vepro 75 PSC. The experiments have confirmed that a protein-in- fat emulsion based on a biopolymer complex of thermostable animal proteins, a protein stabiliser obtained from turkey skin, and pork and turkey fats can be used as a component of restructured ham-type products from PSE pork and turkey meat.Документ Influence of demineralized whey concentrates on ice cream sugar content(2023) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, ArturThe article presents the issue of food waste among young people. The research is based on the causes of the impact, possible solutions to combat food waste, the causes of its spread and the factors contributing to the spread of food waste worldwide. This is a important topic for all humans and the behaviour of young peoples is very important to be studied.
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