Перегляд за Автор "Polonskaya, Tatiana"
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Документ Mathematical development program for calculation of fatty acid composition blend of vegetable oils(2016) Belemets, Tatiana; Yushchenko (Gonchar), Natalia; Lobok, Alexey; Radzievska, Irina; Polonskaya, TatianaThe method of solution of the problem of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) lack in milk products is offered in the work. It is offered to create the milk-containing products (sour cream product) with adjusted fatty acid composition. The possibility of replacement of the mass part of milk fat (50 %) by the blend of natural vegetable oils was studied.Документ Optimization of composition of blend of natural vegetable oils for the production of milk-containing products(2016) Belemets, Tatiana; Yushchenko (Gonchar), Natalia; Lobok, Alexey; Radzievska, Irina; Polonskaya, TatianaНатуральні рослинні олії (кукурудзяна, рапсова та олія волоського горіху) були обрані для створення купажу з оптимізованим жирнокислотним складом на їх основі. Даний вибір олій є обґрунтованим відповідно до їх фізико-хімічних характеристик, жирнокислотного складу, сумісністю з молочною основою, біологічної цінності та органолептичними показниками. Розроблений купаж натуральних рослинних олій повинен бути використаний для поєднання з молочними продуктами масового вжитку з метою оптимізації їх жирнокислотного складу. The natural vegetable oils (corn, rapeseed and walnut oils) were selected to create the blend, optimized by the fat and acid composition on their basis. This choice of oils is substantiated according to their physical and chemical characteristics, the fat and acid composition, and compatibility with the milk base, availability, and organoleptic parameters. The developed blend of natural vegetable oils should be combined with dairy products of mass consumption for the optimization of their fat and acid composition.Документ Use of natural oils as bioactive ingredients of cosmetic products(2016) Mank, Valeriy; Polonskaya, TatianaOils components embedded in the lipid structure of the horny layer of the epidermis, changing the properties of the epidermal barrier. The most important characteristic of fatty vegetable oils that determines the properties of cosmetic ingredient content is the esters of fatty acids.The mixes of oils (coconut, palm, almond, grape seed, olive, corn, sesame, wheat germ), which fatty acid composition imitated the structure of cell membranes were done by empirical method. It was made for creating cosmetic fat phase composition. Detection of fatty acids were carried out on the gas chromatograph production Hewlett-Packard NR6890 by conventional method.