Перегляд за Автор "Samiilenko, Serhii"
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Результатів на сторінці
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Документ Analysis of the energy efficiency of heat exchangers of sugar Industry(2013) Samiilenko, Serhii; Vasylenko, Sergei; Shutyuk, VitaliyThe article describes thermodynamic methods as well as optimization methods of heating and heat exchanging engineering system of sugar industry. The authors suggest noncyclic approach to the analysis of efficiency of heat exchanging apparatus, the basis of which is irrefutable fact that irreversibility as physical reason of inefficiency of technical heat engineering systems really exists.Документ Analysis of variants of solid fuel production from sugar industry waste and conditions needed for its burning(2015) Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Vasylenko, Tatiana; Bessarab, Alexander; Samiilenko, SerhiiThe use of alternative fuel and energy resources should be considered as the strategic approach to solving energy issues of Ukraine’s economy. Currently the potential capabilities of growing sugar beet in Ukraine are twice as good as the need for sugar production support. On a total mass basis the major part of solid waste of sugar industry (up to 75…83 % in relation to the mass of processed sugar beet) accrues to pulp. Currently the most of pulp is not used and has to be taken to stockpiles or fields before the start of the new sugar campaign. Potentially, the amount of pulp which can be used for energy needs takes up 4,5…5 million tons per year, or in conversion to dry basis - 330…370 thousand tons. There are two possible ways of its use: use of dried pulp as secondary fuel and direct firing of pressed pulp.Документ Entropy analysis of heat exchanging appliances(2013) Samiilenko, Serhii; Vasylenko, Sergei; Shutyuk, VitaliyThe article describes thermodynamic methods as well as optimization methods of heating and heat exchanging engineering system of sugar industry. The authors suggest noncyclic approach to the analysis of efficiency of heat exchanging apparatus, the basis of which is irrefutable fact that irreversibility as physical reason of inefficiency of technical heat engineering systems really exists. Thermodynamic analysis, which was mentioned in the article, assumes determination of measure of irreversibility of processes in the apparatus and energetic efficiency of apparatus in the whole with the help of exceptionally entropy. The measures taken to improve energetic efficiency of apparatus of saccharine factory on the example of the first group of juice heating in front of evaporator system using the given methodology, were fully analyzed.Документ Thermodynamic analysis of heat exchanging appliances(2013) Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Samiilenko, Serhii; Vasylenko, SergeiThe article examines the methodology of thermodynamic analysis and the optimization of heaters and heat exchangers of heat engineering complex of saccharine industry. The authors suggest noncyclic approach to the analysis of efficiency of heat exchanging apparatus, the basis of which is irrefutable fact that irreversibility as physical reason of inefficiency of technical heat engineering systems really exists. Thermodynamic analysis, which was mentioned in the article, assumes determination of measure of irreversibility of processes in the apparatus and energetic efficiency of apparatus in the whole with the help of exceptionally entropy. The measures taken to improve energetic efficiency of apparatus of saccharine factory on the example of the first group of juice heating in front of evaporator system using the given methodology, were fully analyzed. В статті розглянуто методику термодинамічного аналізу та оптимізації підігрівників і теплообмінників теплотехнологічного комплексу цукрового виробництва. Авторами запропоновано нециклічний підхід аналізу ефективності теплообмінних апаратів, в основі якого – беззаперечний факт існування необоротності як фізичного джерела неефективності технічних теплотехнічних систем. Наведений в статті термодинамічний аналіз передбачає визначення міри необоротності процесів в апараті та енергетичної ефективності апарата в цілому, використовуючи виключно ентропію. Застосовуючи дану методику, комплексно проаналізовано заходи з підвищення енергетичної ефективності теплообмінних апаратів цукрового заводу на прикладі першої групи нагрівання соку перед випарною установкою.Документ Thermodynamic analysis of the thermal-technological complex of sugar production: criteria for energy efficiency of an enterprise(2021) Samiilenko, Serhii; Bondar, Vladimir; Piddubnyi, Volodymyr; Bilyk, Olena; Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Fedoriv, ViktorA procedure for analyzing the effectiveness of using fuel and energy resources (FER) in sugar production, based on the developed idealized circuit of the thermal-technological complex (TTC) as the base for comparison was presented. This procedure makes it possible to quantify the level of perfection of existing and proposed thermal circuits, as well as the impact of measures for enhancing energy efficiency on their perfection. By idealizing technological and energy processes, a hypothetical TTC was synthesized, for which the minimum possible energy and entropy characteristics are determined. Under these conditions, the minimum possible heat consumption for the implementation of technological processes according to the classical heat technology circuit was calculated – 118.40 MJ/t; a "minimum" total increase in entropy from irreversible processes of the HTC – 314.68 kJ/(t•K); a minimum complex magnitude of specific consumption of conventional fuel – 0.8 % to m. b. The determined characteristics are absolute criteria for the efficiency of sugar production systems, since it is impossible to reach lower values under existing technology, quality of raw materials and other conditions. The content of the criteria of energy efficiency of TTC was stated and the system of coefficients was proposed: coefficient of total energy efficiency of the TTC, coefficient of energy efficiency of the system of heat supply of the technological processes and coefficients of energy efficiency of internal and external structures of the TTC. The proposed criteria provide an objective and thermodynamically correct characteristic of the TTC of different structures. The presented results of analysis of various measures for increasing the energy efficiency of sugar production show that only a gradual comprehensive reconstruction of an enterprise makes it possible to consistently reduce the FER consumption for technological needs, approaching the boundary values.Документ Thermodynamic analysis of the thermal-technological complex of sugar production: the energy and entropy characteristics of an enterprise(2020) Vasylenko, Sergei; Samiilenko, Serhii; Bondar, Vladimir; Bilyk, Olena; Mokretskyy, Vitaliy; Przybylski, WlodzimierzThis paper reports the approbation of a procedure of thermodynamic analysis of the thermal-technological complex of sugar production using the analysis of an enterprise of typical configuration as an example. Currently, the thermodynamic analysis of sugar production systems is mainly performed on the basis of a classical energy method. Minor attempts to exploit the potential of the second law of thermodynamics in the form of the adaptation of an exergy method are not systemic. Underlying the applied procedure is a joint analysis of general synthetic and analytical balances of mass, energy, and entropy. Such a procedure makes it possible to quantify the level of perfection of the existing and proposed thermal circuits, as well as the impact exerted on their perfection by energy efficiency measures, and it could be applied both to optimize the energy characteristics of the existing ones and in designing new enterprises of the sugar industry. It has been shown that the thermodynamic analysis of the thermal-technological complex of sugar production as a single system makes it possible to analyze the main factors of influence on the energy efficiency of the complex disregarding the course of the processes implemented therein. Such an approach can also be effectively used for the quick evaluation of the thermodynamic perfection of an enterprise and for determining its «energy-saving potential». Based on the results of energy analysis, the relationship has been established between the fuel and energy resources, supplied to the system, and the sources of their losses; a set of measures has been proposed to reduce the impact of each of these factors on resource consumption. Entropy analysis has revealed the internal and external causes of the irreversibility of processes; the principle of «energy irreversibility compensation» has made it possible to compile a rating of major imperfections and determine the optimal sequence of resource-saving measures. The results of the analysis have confirmed the efficiency of the procedure, which allows a comprehensive study, while operating only with the fundamental laws and the principles of classical thermodynamics, as opposed to procedures, based on energy-exergy characteristicsДокумент Thermodynamic analysisof sugar production heattechnological complex:analysis method(2020) Vasylenko, Sergei; Samiilenko, Serhii; Bondar, Vladimir; Bilyk, OlenaThe object of research is the heat-technological systems of sugar production and the heat-technological complex as a whole. A modern sugar factory is a complex hierarchical system of inextricably interconnected elements, and its basis – a heat-technological complex – combines the elements of technological, heat transfer, and mechanical equipment, in which complex physicochemical processes are simultaneously realized, closely interacting. Given the complexity of the internal relationships of processes, their parameters and characteristics, it is necessary to systematically approach the analysis of real functioning, performance evaluation and the solution of optimization problems of the complex as a whole, as well as its individual subsystems and elements. In this work, it is proposed a method for thermodynamic analysis of the heat-technological complex of sugar production as a single thermodynamic system, which allows to analyze the main factors influencing the energy efficiency of the complex regardless of the course of processes implemented within the system. The methodology is based on a joint analysis of the general synthetic and analytical balances of mass, energy and entropy. This model has a deep physical foundation, because the material balance equation is an integral form of the law of conservation of the quantity of matter, the energy balance equation is an integral form of the first law of thermodynamics, and the entropy balance equation is an integral form of the second law of thermodynamics. The main objective of the methodology is a quick assessment of the excellence of the heat-technological complex and its definition of “energy-saving potential”. Also, the application of the principle of energy compensation of irreversibility and entropy criteria allows to determine the sources and causes of system imperfections, and imperfections are compiled to help develop a system of measures to increase the efficiency of the optimal sequence complex. Therefore, the proposed methodology of thermodynamic analysis, in contrast to the methods based on exergy characteristics, provides a comprehensive analysis, operating only with the fundamental laws and principles of classical thermodynamics. It can also be used both to optimize the energy characteristics of existing ones and to design new sugar industry enterprises