Перегляд за Автор "Strizhnova, Marianna"
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Результатів на сторінці
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Документ Application of trans fats in the contemporary foods(2015) Regotun, Оlena; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Certificaton of organic production(2016) Togachynska, Olga; Kotynskyy, Andriy; Strizhnova, Marianna; Ryzhykovа, MariaДокумент Detection of heterologous genetic sequences in maize samples by PCR method(2015) Petrenko, Natalia; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Energy crops in the contemporary agriculture(2015) Melnyk, Iryna; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Factors that affect the state and development of the hotel industry in Ukraine(2014) Kulishova, Marina; Strizhnova, MariannaHospitality is a key component of the tourism industry in Ukraine. Development of national and international tourism is largely related to the level of logistics of travel agencies and variety of network quality and quantity of services offered by the hotel industry.Документ Formation of the professionally oriented French translator’s competence of the future employees of tour management(2015) Strizhnova, MariannaIt is necessary for the students of the degree program “Tourism” to master the bases of the French language translator’s competence as the second foreign language because it contributes to the enrichment of their professional education experience and to the significant broadening of their world outlook in terms of professional and commercial possibilities. The components of translator’s competence of the future tour manager are relevant intercultural professionally oriented, communicative, social-cultural, social-linguistic and other competences. Formation of the translator’s competence is dominant for the future employees of tour management and it includes basic command of linguistic knowledge and high level of professional communicative skills.Документ Gastrotourism against the obesity in the modern life(2015) Korovko, Dmytro; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Genetically modified cotton(2015) Stupaka, M. O.; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Green tourism in Ukraine(2016) Skyvka, Alina; Shcherban, Anastasia; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Healthy diet for improving the overall health(2015) Braga, Eugenia; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Innovative private enterprise “Gal-Bread”(2016) Novikova, Valeria; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Macroeconomuic aspects of the human capital competitiveness in Ukraine(2015) Sologoub, Elena; Strizhnova, Marianna; Sologub, VolodymyrДокумент Optimization of the agricultural sector in France to supress malnutrition(2014) Strizhnova, MariannaThe traditional role of agriculture is fundamental, but the entire food system can contribute more to the eradication of malnutrition. Traditional and modern supply chains can enhance the availability of a variety of nutritious foods and reduce nutrient waste and losses. Better governance of food systems at all levels, facilitated by high-level political support, is needed to build a common vision, to support evidence-based policies, and to promote effective coordination and collaboration through integrated action. Традиційна роль сільського господарства є базовою, але вся харчова система може більше сприяти викоріненню недоїдання. Традиційні та сучасні ланцюги постачання можуть збільшити доступність до розмаїття поживних продуктів та зменшити пов’язані з ними відходи та втрати. Краще управління харчовими системами на всіх рівнях, полегшене політичною підтримкою на високому рівні потрібно для побудови спільного бачення, підтримки стратегій, заснованих на свідченнях очевидців та просуванні ефективної координації та співробітництва через інтегровану дію.Документ Penicillin tactics revealed by scientists(2015) Zaloznyi, Rostislav; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Production of milk-protein concentrates(2016) Kuligina, Kateryna; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Scientific research and usage of stem cells(2016) Oliseyenko, Inna; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент Stellarator(2016) Gorenkov, Yevgeniy; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент The contemporary state of Ukrainian tourism(2014) Strizhnova, MariannaUkrainian tourism is now one of the fastest growing branches of the national economy. During the period of the Soviet Union, tourism was not even a branch of the State economy. It was just a neglected part of "the sphere of services". For a considerable length of time, foreign tourists were allowed to come to officially designated "open" cities only. Practically no soviet citizens were allowed to travel abroad.Документ The latest achievements in the field of structural genomics(2015) Tretiakova, Viktoria; Strizhnova, MariannaДокумент The modern technologies оf dairy products’production(2015) Liva, Olena; Strizhnova, Marianna