Перегляд за Ключові слова "aquaculture"
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Документ The investment model for intensive development of the Ukrainian companies of the agricultural sector(2017) Kulynych, Yurii; Arych, Mykhailo; Ivantsiva, HannaIn this article the authors represent an investment model for development of the Ukrainian companies of the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is one of the "locomotives" of the domestic economy, while Ukraine, in its turn, is world-known as "the breadbasket of Europe". At the same time, it must be remembered, that there is an important condition to provide the competitiveness at the world market, which is the achievement of high degree of processing of the cultivated harvest. Only by creating the high value added it is possible to rely on a sustainable economic development both of a separate business entity and the national economy as a whole. Long-term relationships with advanced world economies are considered to be another fundamental provision for the sustainable economic development. The article contains the performed investigation of the potential Norwegian market within the context of consumption of agricultural products like feed stuff for aquacultures, the Ukrainian agricultural market has been examined and the competitive advantages of the Ukrainian agricultural products at the ingredients market for feeding fish in North Europe has also been created. The results of the research are indicative of a huge potential of the soya protein concentrate product (SPC) for the Norwegian market and, consequently, of great opportunities for Ukraine in this market as a leader of soy beans cultivation in Europe. In addition, the article determines some measures to promote the establishment of strong economic ties of the Ukrainian agricultural companies with the markets of developed countries, and based on the research results the investment model for intensive development of the Ukrainian companies of the agricultural sector has been produced.Документ Рибне господарство: традиції та інновації. Вітчизняний та світовий досвід(2021) Фесун, Тетяна ПавлівнаБібліографічний покажчик включає в себе інформаційні джерела (книги, монографії, розділи монографій, навчальні видання, довідкові видання, статті з періодичних та наукових видань, автореферати дисертацій) з розвитку рибної промисловості, технології переробки риби та морепродуктів. Покажчик розрахований на широке коло аспірантів, викладачів, магістрантів, студентів та всіх, хто цікавиться даною темою. The bibliographic index includes information sources (books, monographs, sections of monographs, educational publications, reference books, articles from periodicals and scientific journals, abstracts of dissertations) on the development of the fishing industry, technology of fish and seafood processing. The index is designed for a wide range of graduate students, teachers, undergraduates, students and anyone interested in this topic.Документ Розробка веб-орієнтованого додатка обліку та управління послугами КП «ГАЙСИНВОДОКАНАЛ»(2024) Кудлай, Максим Петрович