Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
Документ 1,2-Дигидропиразоло(тиено)-1λ5-[2,4,1]-диазафосфинины(2001) Ковалева, Светлана Александровна; Чубарук, Н. Г.; Толмачев, Андрей Алексеевич; Пинчук, Александр МихайловичВысокая нуклеофильность C4 атома в 3-метил-5-аминопиразоле и C3 атома в 5-алкокси-2-аминотиофене по отношению к бромидам фосфора (III) позволяет использовать N-замещенные производные этих соединений, содержащие экзоциклический нуклеофильный N-центр в азотсодержащем остатке, для синтеза новых конденсированных систем. Синтезированы новые фосфорсодержащие аннелированные системы - 1,2-дигидропиразоло-1λ5-[2,4,1]-диазафосфинин и 1,2-дигидротиено-1λ5-[2,4,1]-диазафосфинин.Документ 1H NMR analysis of the aqueous-alcoholic mixtures, prepared in demineralized by reverse osmosis water(2014) Kuzmin, Oleg; Topol’nik, Vera; Fatiukha, Andrew; Volkova, GannaResearch of mechanisms of transformation of ethanol protons (ethyl rectified spirit) and water (demineralized by reverse osmosis) in the process of creating aqueous-alcoholic mixtures.Документ 1H NMR analysis of the aqueous-alcoholic mixtures, prepared with drinking water of south-eastern region of Ukraine(2013) Kuzmin, Oleg; Topol’nik, Vera; Sujkov, SergeyThe mechanisms of transformation of protons of ethanol and drinking-water are studied in the process of creation of aqueous-alcoholic mixtures.Документ 1H NMR analysis of the aqueous-alcoholic mixtures, prepared with softened water using Na-cationization(2014) Kuzmin, Oleg; Topol’nik, Vera; Fatiukha, Andrew; Volkova, GannaResearch of mechanisms of transformation of ethanol protons (ethyl rectified spirit) and water (softened by using Na-cationization) in the process of creating aqueous-alcoholic mixtures.Документ 2,3-дифенилтиазоло[3,2-а]пиримидиниевые соли(1972) Шульга, Сергей Иванович; Фурсаева, Н. Ф.; Чуйгук, В. А.Конденсацией хлорнокислого 4,5-дифенил -2-аминотиазола с β- дикетонами, β- хлорвинилкетонами и 1,1,3,3- тетраэтоксипрпаном получены соответствующие 2,3-дифенилтиазоло[3,2-а]пиримидиниевые соли. Структура полученных соединений доказана с помощью ПМР-спектроскопии.Документ 3-D modeling of water flow and cooling down within the temperature range close to inversion point(2016) Gryshchenko, Roman; Zasiadko, Yaroslav; Forsyuk, Andriy; Pylypenko, OleksiiThe research and simulation of heat transfer during water refrigeration in the experimental section close to the vertical pipe which is cooled down considering abnormal character of water density change from the temperature in close to inversion point (+4°C) section were investigated. The graphs of water temperature velocity distribution throughout the height of experimental section were constructed and analyzed. The results obtained allow estimating the impact of water temperature that is closely situated to inversion point on the dynamics of water ice melting and generation as well as on the form factors of cold accumulators. Such software and analytical research will allow increasing effectiveness and efficiency at the heat and bulk transfer equipment engineering.Документ 3-Фуранилфосфонаты(1989) Маленко, Д. М.; Симурова, Наталья Вячеславовна; Рандина, Л. В.; Синица, Анатолий ДаниловичИзучено взаимодействие 1,1-диацил-3,3,3-трихлорпропенов с триэтилфосфитом в присутствии основания. Показано, что это взаимодействие приводит к неизвестным ранее 3-фуранилфосфонатам.Документ 70-летний юбилей кафедры технологии хлебопекарных и кондитерских изделий Национального университета пищевых технологий(2019) Ковбаса, Владимир Николаевич; Грищенко, Анна НиколаевнаЗа годы деятельности кафедры технологии хлебопекарных и кондитерских изделий колектив подготовил много специалистов в области технологии пищевых технологий. Колектив кафедры заботится о воспитательной, международной и научной работе. Научные разработки и учебники по технологи хлебобулочных, кондитерских, макаронных изделий и пищевых концентратов известны во всем мире. Over the years, the team of the Department of Bakery and Confectionery Goods Technologies has trained many specialists in the field of food technology. The team of the department takes care of educational, international and scientific work. Scientific developments and books on the technology of bakery, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates are known all over the world.Документ 75-річний ювілей кафедри технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробів та її здобутки(2024) Ковбаса, Володимир Миколайович; Грищенко, Анна Миколаївна; Кохан, Олена ОлександрівнаВ статті описано історію заснування кафедри технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських ви-робів Національного університету харчових тех-нологій. Окреслено основні етапи розвитку, на-ведено інформацію про науковців, які очолювали кафедру в різні роки. Наведено основні напрями діяльності та здобутки кафедри.Документ A brief review on animal research and human health effects following the Chornobyl accident(2013) Sidorik, Evgeniy; Yakymenko, IgorSignificant effects in animals exposed to radiation in the Chornobyl area, including reduction of lifespan, reduction of latent period of tumours, chronic oxidative stress, mutagenic effects and others are presented. On the other hand, we review the well-documented human health effects occurring years after the Chornobyl catastrophe.Документ A complex interferon inducer potentiates the functional macrophage activity during staphylococcal infection(2006) Karpov, AlexanderНа моделі стафілококової інфекції вивчали антибактерійну дію нового індуктора інтерферонів І типу, молекулярного комплексу дріжджова РНК-тилорон (МК). МК, взятий в експериментальних дозах, що відповідають інтерферон-індукуючим дозам, підвищував елімінацію Staphylococcus aureus з організму мишей, що супроводжувалося зростанням функціональних можливостей (фагоцитозу і бактерицидної активності) перитонеальних макрофагів. Зроблено висновок, що відмічена антибактерійна активність МК зумовлена його інтерферон-індукуючими властивостями.Документ A convergence class for entire Dirichlet series of slow growth(2000) Mulyava, OksanaFor an entire Dirichlet series with nonnegative increasing to infinity exponents a connection between the growth of maximum modulus and the behavior of coefficients is established in the terms of certain convergence class.Документ A method for determining the mass-molecular composition of microbial exopolysaccharides(1993) Votselko, S.; Pirog, Tatiana; Malashenko, Yuri; Grinberg, TamaraA method of determining the molecular mass composition of microbial exopolysaccharides (EPS) by centrifuging them in a combined density gradient created by NaCl and CsCl solutions and using the molecular mass of dextranes as standards is developed. The process of determining the molecular mass distribution pattern of EPS is simplified and made considerably less time-consuming. This method allows the analysis of native EPS with molecular masses ranging from 13 700 to 2 000 000.Документ A model of an IoT system based on RFID tags for mine defense under war conditions and in the post-war period(2023) Kolesnikova, Kateryna; Gladka, Myroslava; Kostikov, Mykola; Myronova, NataliaRadio frequency identification (RFID) technology is widely used in various industries, including logistics, retail, healthcare, and agriculture. In recent years, RFID has also been explored for military and civilian applications, especially in wartime. RFID tags can be used to protect military and civilian population during war by providing real-time tracking of people, vehicles and equipment. The use of RFID tags in the military and defense complex is gaining great popularity [1, 2, 3], however, the use of RFID tags for mine security has not yet been fully explored. A separate important task under war conditions is the mine defense of territories where combat actions are taking place. The use of various mines to create blocking effects from the enemy ensures the security of territories in wartime and postwar times. The use of mines for the security of territories is known as "mine defense". This includes the placement of mines or explosive devices in a certain area or around important objects in order to protect these objects from possible threats. The main aspects of using mines for the security of territories include: the creation of minefields (placement of mines or explosive devices in a certain area to create a minefield that can become an obstacle for potential invaders or enemies); creation of maps of minefields (designation of minefields to inform own troops and the civilian population about their presence and location, to avoid danger). It is important to note that the use of mines for the security of territories must comply with international norms and conventions regarding the prohibition of the use of anti-personnel mines, and must also comply with the principles of humanitarian law to protect the civilian population and minimize humanitarian consequences. The use of RFID tags on mines is a solution that fully ensures the implementation of these norms and conventions. This article considers the use of RFID tags in wartime, the advantages of using RFID technology for the implementation of mine defense of territories, the rules for the protection of RFID tags used to ensure the safety of the military and civilian population.Документ A model of the application of IoT devices based on RFID to ensure the safety of the military and civilian population under war conditions(2022) Gladka, Myroslava; Kuchansky, Alexander; Kostikov, Mykola; Lisnevskyi, RostyslavRadio-frequency identification (RFID) systems are becoming more popular in many fields where clear identification and affiliation of a specific person to a specific activity is important. These are various branches of industry, banking, the economic sector, medicine, etc. However, applying RFID technology to the protection and security of the military and civilian population in wartime has not yet gained widespread use. It is in the conditions of combat actions, where there is a need to identify each person, and their movement within the scope of military operations, conducting or participating in evacuation procedures, involvement in various types of military or humanitarian missions, prompt provision of medical assistance, etc. In all these situations, issues of identification are of vital importance, because not only security but also the lives of the military and civilian population may depend on it. The purpose of this study is to investigate the features and prove the advantages of using RFID technology in the conditions of martial law to ensure the safety of the health and life of the military and the civilian population. The paper considers the use of RFID tags to ensure the safety of movement, and personal identification for those who need medical assistance or are in danger on the territory of combat operations or occupied territories.Документ A new method for construction of solutions nonlinear wave equations(1999) Barannyk, Anatoliy; Yuryk, IvanA new simple method for multidimensional nonlinear wave equations is proposed.Документ A possible general mechanism of the signal transfer on the α/β-interferons expression. 1. The local cell membrane deformation as the first induction stage(1998) Karpov, AlexanderA hypothetic mechanism of the external effect of viruses, synthetic polyaniones, double-stranded RNAs, and synthetic double-stranded polyribonucleotides upon a cell is explained. This effect is known to be followed by the α/β-interferons induction. Double-stranded RNAs and polynucleotides inducing such process are thought to change their conformation in an outer ionic perimembrane layer of cells and to induce the specific local deformation of cell membranes giving a signal for the α/β-interferons induction. In the case of viruses such a membrane deformation appears on the stage of virus penetration into the cell. The α/β-interferons inducers of intercalating nature are proposed to cause the interferonogenesis in vivo forming complexes with exogenic RNA molecules and stabilizing their double-stranded sites with a partial complementarity.Документ A possible general mechanism of the signal transfer switching on the α/β-interferons expression. 2. The role of the cAMP in the process of the interferon induction(1999) Karpov, AlexanderThe author carries out an analysis of available data concerning the participation of cyclic adenosine-3’,5’-monophosphate (cAMP) in the signal transduction pathway on the α/β-interferons (IFN) expression during the induction process/ The cAMP is known to participate in the activation of protein kinases during the interferon induction as well as of nuclear factors activating specifically the regulating domains of IFN genes. The cAMP is thought to be a secondary key messenger mediating the signal for α/β-IFN induction, the first stage of this induction being the local cell membrane deformation caused by different inducers.Документ A retrospective analysis of the concept of "self-regulating learning" in the philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature of the West European educational space(2017) Herasymova, OlgaThe article deals with the approach to the concept of "self-regulated learning" of Western European scientists, the importance of self-regulated learning in the development of educational and professional competencies of future professionals, as well as the structure and stages of development of self-regulated learning in the course of students’ training of higher educational institutions. The problem of students’ training capable of continuous learning is actualized. The essence of the concepts "self-regulated", "self-regulated learning" is clarified and drawing attention to the specifics of their application in the future formation and personal growth of future specialists.