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Документ 1Н NMR-spectroscopy of water-alcohol systems in the process of electrochemical activation of drinking water(2019) Kuzmin, Oleg; Romanchenko, NataliaThe aim of the work is to study the process of establishing the equilibrium state in alcohol water systems at the main stages of creating vodka with electrochemical activation of drinking water. The formation of alcohol-water (drinking) system occurs during the weakening of hydrogen bonds in the presence of water associates and ethanol that have a chemical shift of hydroxyl protons of water δН2O 4,36 ppm and of ethanol – δEtОН 4,96 ppm and the difference in chemical shifts between EtOH and Н2О, which is Δδ 0,60 ppm. (Δƒ 240 Hz), that do not undergo significant changes after the treatment of alcohol water mixture with activated carbon. Conditions for the formation of stable complexes in the system of alcohol-water (drinking) have not been revealed, the absence of formation of ethanol hydrates characterizes a system with unstable equilibrium. Prepared with electrochemical activation drinking water leads to the immediate formation of hydrates of EtОН•5Н2О type in the alcohol-water system: in the anode cell – an anolyte with ethanol hydrates EtОН•4,81Н2О; in a cathode cell – a catholyte with ethanol hydrides EtОН•4,69Н2О. The strongest hydrogen bond of OH-groups in the alcohol-water system is observed in water prepared by electrochemical activation that is characterized by a constant equilibrium.Документ 2-Acylthioamides in the Biginelli reaction(2017) Simurova, Natalia; Mayboroda, Elena; Britsun, VasiliyДокумент 2-furfural content in beer(2024) Kiriyenko, Serhiy; Mukoid, RomanDuring the production of beer, there are defects associated with raw materials, incorrect management of the technological process, which subsequently leads to violations of the biological, physico-chemical and, in fact, organoleptic properties of beer. Therefore, research, detection and elimination of defects in brewing, which are formed as a result of oxidation and aging of beer, are relevant.Документ 3D-друк та його застосування(2015) Варісова, Юлія Ігорівна; Костіков, Микола ПавловичТехнологія 3D-друку швидко поширюється, а її вартість стрімко падає. А це означає, що те, що було колись доступним для кількох елітних галузей, швидко стає дедалі дешевшим та загальнодоступним.Документ 4-аміно-6- R -4,5-дигідро-3-фенацилтіо-1,2,4-триазин-5-они як синергісти гербіцидної дії похідних арилоксифеноксипропіонової кислоти(2012) Швартау, В. В.; Михальська, Л. М.; Майборода, Олена Іванівна; Брицун, Василь МиколайовичВстановлено, що синтезовані нами 4-аміно-6-R-4,5-дигідро-3-фенацилтіо-1,2,4-триазин-5-они є синергістами післясходових грамініцидів класу арилоксифеноксипропіонової кислоти. За гербіцидною дією вони близькі до комерційного гербіциду метрибузину. За механізмом дії отримані сполуки можна віднести до класу інгібіторів фотосинтезу.Документ 55 років підготовки фахівців з автоматизації виробництва в НУХТ (сучасність)(2014) Ладанюк, Анатолій Петрович; Ельперін, Ігор ВолодимировичУ публікації описано історію підготовки фахівців з автоматизації виробництва в НУХТ.Документ 55 років підготовки фахівців з автоматизації виробництва в НУХТ (історія)(2014) Ладанюк, Анатолій Петрович; Ельперін, Ігор ВолодимировичУ публікації описано історію підготовки фахівців з автоматизації виробництва в НУХТ.Документ A conceptual metaphoric analysis of poverty in Marie Corelli’s novel The Sorrows of Satan(2015) Molozhon, MariaContemporary research studies carried out within the framework of cognitive linguistic have supplemented the conventional scrutiny with a new understanding of such a phenomenon as metaphor.Документ A mathematical model for calculating the saturator of the sugar production(2013) Ovcharuk, Vladimir; Yushchuk, Inna; Metlov, SergeiWork on optimization of calculation process for the equipment intended for the absorption of carbon dioxide with the aim to neutralize calcium hydroxide when purifying crude juice in sugar production. Developed a mathematical model and parametric scheme to calculate the process of carbonation. Determined that the saturation with carbon dioxide of kiln gas negative impact on coefficient of its use. Was established that with the increase of CO2 in the gas efficiency of its use decreases.Документ A New Prototype of a Food 3D Printer(2014) Cherednik, AlexanderScientists at Cornell University's Computational Synthesis Lab are developing a commercially-available "3D food printer" that would allow users to "print" meals using "raw food 'inks'" inside syringes. Sounds Delicious!Cooking is so hard, what with "ingredients" and "recipes" and "having to leave your house to go shopping." So thank goodness for the fab@home project, an open-source collaboration on 3D printer technology that's developing a "food printer" intended for home use.Документ A study of the viscosity of water solutions of inulin – the functional food ingredient(2016) Zinchenko, Natalia; Simurova, Natalia; Shelakov, AndreiInulin is a perspective ingredient for the production of dietary, functional low fat and low sugar foods with improved structure, stability and taste sensations. To ensure product’s balanced nutritional profile and excellent taste properties, it is necessary to carry out a thorough study of physicochemical properties of the ingredients, especially their viscosity. The viscosity of diluted water solutions of inulin, extracted from tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, were examined. Kinematic, relative and specific viscosity was measured by a usual method using viscosimeter.Документ Accounting for cash(2014) Titarchuk, Ju.Each enterprise can conduct the normal production activities only in constant communication with other companies using monetary assets. Most commitment payments are made cashless through the bank institutions. Cash payments between enterprises, organizations and institutions are allowed only when the amount of the single installments is lower than the amount set by the banks for cashless payments. In conducting cashless operations, banks monitor agricultural companies in terms of payment and contractual discipline, as well as help to use the most appropriate forms of payment that accelerate the circulation of circulating assets.Документ Accounting for leases(2014) Maksimenko, MarinaA lease is simply an agreement between two parties for the hire of an asset. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset who rents out the asset to the lessee. At the end of the lease the asset is returned to the lessor. The lessee will pay a lease rental to the lessor in return for the use of the asset. The accounting treatment for the lease entirely depends on the nature of the lease. For accounting purposes all leases are classified into one of two categories, they are either deemed to be ‘finance leases’ or ‘operating leases’. At its most clear cut an operating lease is a very short-term agreement for the temporary hire of an asset, e.g., hiring a car for two weeks to take on holiday.Документ Achieving cultural acquiescence through foreign language e-learning(2012) Mykhailova, NeliaSummary: Many individuals, businesses, educational institutions and governments have turned to informational communication technologies (ICTs) as a cost effective way to enhance cross-cultural communication and, in particular, foreign language learning. However, although these technologies are easily accessible, they do not adequately address the cultural aspects associated with second language development. The need to learn additional language is also increasing due to migration that accompanies globalization. As people migrate from one society to another, there is an increasing need to learn the language and the culture of the host societies.Документ Activation of innovation activity of joint-stock companies in Ukraine as a method of elevation of their competitiveness under circumstances of globalization(2014) Blyashuk, SvitlanaUnder circumstances of globalization competition among producers escalates at the national and global market. The level of competitiveness of enterprises determines the level of competitiveness of the country’s economy.Документ Actual problems of co-investment market(2014) Ermolaeva, MarinaCertain reform-based transformations and positive practical improvements can be seen in Ukraine’s economy currently.Документ Actual problems of management of production costs(2020) Strashynska, LarysaThe problem of cost management at the enterprise is considered and the essence of the concept "cost management system" is defined. Its components are considered and the main problems of implementation are outlined. Measures to create an effective system of production cost management are substantiated. Розглянуто проблему управління витратами на підприємстві та визначено сутність поняття «система управління витратами». Розглянуто її складові та окреслено основні проблеми впровадження. Обґрунтовано заходи щодо створення ефективної системи управління витратами на виробництві.Документ Adsorptive purification of food raw materials and semi-finished products with help of carbon and natural adsorbents(2011) Mank, Valeriy; Melnyk, LyudmilaFor the study of adsorptive capacities of paligorskit and for the comparison between them and the adsorptive capabilities o f active carbons in order to create industrial combined sorbents, the authors conducted the research on adsorption of the ethyl impurities with the help of paligorskit, active carbon and combined adsorbents (whereas, active carbons and paligorskit were in the ratio 10:90, 30:70, 50:50). The best results were received when refining aqueous-alcoholic solutions with the help of combined adsorbents. The best results were obtained using a combined adsorbent ratio 10:90.Документ Advantages and disadvantages of forensic audit(2014) Postnikova, VeraIn Ukraine forensic audit is not well-developed, so our experts should adopt the experience of foreign counterparts.Документ Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power(2018) Koval, Alexander; Chala, Kateryna