Монографії, підручники, навчальні посібники
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Документ Енергоефективні технології в харчовій промисловості(2022) Пустовойтенко, В. В.; Серьогін, Олександр Олександрович; Кисельов, В. Б.; Сегай, Олександр Михайлович; Осьмак, Олексій ОлексійовичПриродний агропромисловий потенціал України та належне опанування нетрадиційних і відновлюваних джерел енергії є важливим фактором підвищення рівня енергетичної безпеки та впливу на довкілля держави. У паливно-енергетичному комплексі передбачається зростання ролі нетрадиційних джерел енергії, які створені на сировинній базі агропромислового комплексу. У майбутньому Україна буде здатна забезпечити соціальну сферу й основні галузі економіки енергією з поновлюваної сировини.Документ Energy independence problem solving by biomass technologies(2021) Shtefan, Yevgenii; Seryogin, OleksandrIn the first third of the 21st century, the world economy has faced significant challenges in the energy sector, and biomass as an energy resource can make a significant contribution to the production of heat, electricity and biofuels. Modern leading energy companies have experience in research, development and implementation of all bioenergy technologies (including direct combustion, co-incineration, anaerobic digestion, energy production from waste), as well as experience in bioeconomics. Organizations operating in the waste sector play a key role in the transition to a circular economy. They manage a significant part of the materials’ flows and produce resources which can be re-injected into the economy, either as materials or as energy. The sector also provides an essential environmental service for our society, both from a citizens’ point of view and from the perspective of the industrial, agriculture, and service sectors. It frees every household and organization of their waste, and it reduces related risks. The main motivation for the introduction of heat generating capacity on biomass is independence from imported energy, which ensures the energy independence of the state as an important component of its political and economic independence.Документ Energy-saving technologies for disposal of waste with printing design elements(2022) Shtefan, Yevgenii; Seryogin, OleksandrWaste is an objective consequence of the civilization development, which creates many problems and requires decisive environmental action. But, on the other hand, waste is a resource that, in a market economy, can contribute to the overall energy balance. Municipal solid waste (MSW) (household waste and waste from other sources, such as retail, administration, education, health services, accommodation and food services, etc.). This fraction includes a wide range of products from different materials - organic, plastic, metal, paper, glass, bulky items, batteries, exhaust oils/lubricants, light bulbs, etc.). It represents around 10 % of the total waste generated by mass. More than 90% of MSW has varnish and paint coatings due to printing design. The removal of such paint elements by sorting technologies presents a significant technical challenge