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Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 5
  • Ескіз
    Modern aspects of capital investment in the development of individual farm enterprises as a prerogative for food security of Ukraine
    (2022) Prib, Kateryna; Stepanchuk, Svitlana; Antonova, Olha; Dergach, Anna; Bodnar, Olha; Karpinska, Nataliia
    The article is devoted to assess the resource and production potential of private farms, as well as to justify the feasibility of using their existing investment instruments. General scientific and special methods are used in the work. The main emphasis is on assessing the resource and production potential of the studied categories of farms. Methods of structural analysis and evaluation of time series have made it possible to establish the link between the level of crisis phenomena and the growing importance of personal farms in the country’s food supply, as well as to compare their potential with the potential of the agricultural sector of the country as a whole. Results of the research. It was found that personal farms play an important role in the country’s food security, as well as in the formation of a system of self-employment and socio-cultural relations. It is established that such farms successfully provide food needs for the rural population, as well as sell surplus products on the market. It has been proved that these economic entities have significant resource and production potential, but expanding the scope of their activities requires a number of measures, including changing the public policy to support farms, as well as ensuring active investment in their development. In the process of assessing the production and resource potential of private farms, it was determined that they have significant resources to invest their own resources in their development. It is established that the key areas for the application of these measures are information and educational activities, strengthening the competitive position of private farms, improving access to public and private investment, as well as diversification of activities. It was agreed that the complex combination of these measures within a single strategy would allow achieving maximum results in terms not only of food supply of the country, but also the development and improvement.
  • Ескіз
    Particularities Of Visual Metaphors In Advertising Campaigns About Ecological Problems
    (2021) Antonova, Olha; Sokolov, Maksym
    The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of visual metaphors usage in the design of foreign public service announcement campaigns about ecological problems. The specifics of graphic and expressive means of public service announcements against the destruction of forest resources is analysed, typical types of visual metaphors used in public service announcement materials in campaigns of WWF and other world public organizations about this topic are distinguished. It was found that the main implementation element of authors’ communicative strategy in public service announcement materials is the graphic part of advertising, which is based on a metaphorical understanding of reality, and the text serves as an explanatory addition to it. Visual content can be largely outspoken, cruel, and appealing to guilt and fear, which ensures the impact of suggestive influence of public service announcement products and serves as a factor of effectiveness for a public service announcement campaign about this problem.
  • Ескіз
    Investment Into Individual Farming Households As A Requirement Of Ukrainian Food Security
    (2021) Prib, Kateryna; Stepanchuk, Svitlana; Antonova, Olha; Dergach, Anna; Bodnar, Olha; Karpinska, Nataliia
    The aggravation of the food crisis in the world highlights the problem of finding additional reserves to increase food production. In this context, personal farms of Ukraine attract special attention. They ensure the production of much of the country's food; contribute to the employment of peasants and the development of rural areas. The aim of this article is to assess the resource and production potential of private farms, as well as to justify the feasibility of using their existing investment instruments. General scientific and special methods are used in the work. The main emphasis is on assessing the resource and production potential of the studied categories of farms. Methods of structural analysis and evaluation of time series have made it possible to establish the link between the level of crisis phenomena and the growing importance of personal farms in the country's food supply, as well as to compare their potential with the potential of the agricultural sector of the country as a whole. It was found that personal farms play an important role in the country's food security, as well as in the formation of a system of self-employment and socio-cultural relations. It is established that such farms successfully provide food needs for the rural population, as well as sell surplus products on the market. It has been proved that these economic entities have significant resource and production potential, but expanding the scope of their activities requires a number of measures, including changing the public policy to support farms, as well as ensuring active investment in their development. In the process of assessing the production and resource potential of private farms, it was determined that they have significant resources to invest their own resources in their development. Recommendations on intensification of investment activity of personal peasant farms are generalized; as a result, a number of measures, which can be applied in Ukraine, are resulted. It is established that the key areas for the application of these measures are information and educational activities, strengthening the competitive position of private farms, improving access to public and private investment, as well as diversification of activities. It was agreed that the complex combination of these measures within a single strategy would allow achieving maximum results in terms not only of food supply of the country, but also the development and improvement of welfare of individual rural households.
  • Ескіз
    Combining of moodle platform elements with extra-platform resources in distant teaching of creative and practical subjects (on the example of the course adaptation for «journalistic speciality (photo journalism)»
    (2019) Antonova, Olha
    To sum up, in the distant teaching of creative and practical academic courses, in particular photojournalism, the usage of the resources of the Moodle distant learning platform and specialized social networks gave an opportunity to increase motivation for students' creativity, to create a more comfortable learning environment, to remove or reduce psychological discomfort from the lack of permanent direct contact with a teacher and groupmates. The usage of interactive and game technologies (in particular, web-quests, glogs, comics), along with the basic methodological forms, helped those students who faced distant learning for the first time to adapt more quickly to the features of the Moodle distant learning platform and to intensify their learning and extra-curricular communication with teammates, to integrate into the student community. Exiting the closed educational environment and application of the opportunities of specialized social networks has led to students' deeper understanding of the technical grounds and the ethical and aesthetic principles of photojournalism; this allowed them to receive and analyse the unbiased reaction from the audience to their works. Thus, the combination of platform and extra-platform educational resources has yielded positive results, optimally satisfying the psychological, educational, professional needs of students, pushed them to creative self-realization in an open informational environment, formed professional competencies and interest in photojournalism as creative activity. Usage of social nets (specialized as well as general) in distant learning of creative and practical academic subjects aiming to adapt synchronous forms of teaching, extremely important for gaining practical skills, is worth further research.Підводячи підсумок, у дистанційному викладанні творчих та практичних академічних курсів, зокрема фотожурналістики, використання ресурсів платформи дистанційного навчання Moodle та спеціалізованих соціальних мереж дало можливість підвищити мотивацію до творчості студентів, створити більш комфортну навчального середовища, щоб зняти або зменшити психологічний дискомфорт через відсутність постійного безпосереднього контакту з викладачем та одногрупниками. Використання інтерактивних та ігрових технологій (зокрема, веб-квестів, блогів, коміксів), поряд з основними методологічними формами, допомогло тим студентам, які вперше зіткнулися з дистанційним навчанням, швидше адаптуватися до особливостей дистанційного навчання Moodle платформі та активізувати їхнє навчання та позакласне спілкування з товаришами по команді, інтегруватися у студентське співтовариство. Вихід із закритого освітнього середовища та використання можливостей спеціалізованих соціальних мереж призвели до глибшого розуміння студентами технічних підстав та етичних та естетичних принципів фотожурналістики; це дозволило їм отримати та проаналізувати неупереджену реакцію аудиторії на їх твори. Таким чином, поєднання платформних та позаплатформенних освітніх ресурсів дало позитивні результати, оптимально задовольнивши психологічні, освітні, професійні потреби студентів, підштовхнуло їх до творчої самореалізації у відкритому інформаційному середовищі, сформувало професійні компетенції та інтерес до фотожурналістики як творча діяльність. Застосування соціальних мереж (як спеціалізованих, так і загальних) у дистанційному навчанні творчих та практичних навчальних предметів, спрямованих на адаптацію синхронних форм навчання, надзвичайно важливих для набуття практичних навичок, варте подальших досліджень.
  • Ескіз
    Monodimensional and multidimensional character of frames in Anna Voitenko's photo cycle «Isa» as an element of author's communicative strategy
    (2019) Antonova, Olha
    The article is dedicated to the outline of the specifics of frame spatial organisation in documentary photo as an element of artist's communicative strategy and a mean of photo aesthetisation. Attention was paid to the study of current topical debate issue on the correlation of objective and subjective, artistic and documentary in photography, nature of reconsideration and means of reality modelling which are used by a photographer. The aim of the research was to explore the semantic potential of plan organisation of frame space in a documentary photo. The tasks of the article were to consider the palette of frame plan organisation in A. Voitenko's documentary cycle «Iza», to outline the significance acquired by frame spatial organisation as an expressive means in a documentary photo. The subject of the study includes the peculiarities of frame spatial organisation, and the object was the documentary series of photos «Iza» by Anna Voitenko. On the material of Anna Voitenko's documentary photo feature story «Iza» devoted to the depiction of life and mode of the inhabitants of a Transcarpathian village and their traditional handicraft, features of the application of monodimensional and multidimensional frame construction are considered. The article states the idea that a documentary photo is used to capture the reality reliably and accurately, but as any result of creativity, it carries the imprint of the author's worldview and evaluation of the depicted events, which can be expressed through particular compositional frame construction. The role and significance of monodimensional and multidimensional composition in Anna Voitenko's documentary frames as an element of artist's invention of the time and space continuum is analysed. It is emphasized that monodimensional, two-dimensional frame construction is most often used by A. Voitenko in case of depriving of depicted events of a clear binding to time, bringing them down to the level of a generalized symbol, attention concentration on key events and heroes of the documentary cycle. While multidimensional, three-dimensional compositional frame structure of documentary photos gives the opportunity to detail time and space of events, to saturate a frame with important details that serve to express the author's attitude to a depicted scene. The importance of the means used by the author to organize frame space, in particular, the point of shooting, the work with light and exposure solutions for silhouetting of images in monodimensional frames, the insertion of diagonals into a frame, and the visualization of a linear perspective for emphasis on multiplicity are considered, too. Other elements of compositional structure of documentary photos and their communicative and expressive potential requires further research. Keywords: documentary photo, frame space organisation, means of aesthetisation, monodimensional and multidimensional frame composition. Статтю присвячено окресленню специфіки просторової організації кадру в документальній фотографії як елементу комунікативної стратегії митця та засобу естетизації фото. Звернуто увагу на актуальні дискутивні питання про співвіднесення об'єктивного і суб'єктивного, художнього і документального у фотографії, про характер переосмислення та засоби моделювання дійсності фотографом. У статті обстоюється думка, що документальна фотографія покликана достовірно й точно зафіксувати дійсність, але, як будь-який результат творчості, несе відбиток авторського світобачення й оцінки зображуваних подій, виразником яких може виступати композиційна побудова кадру. Проаналізовано роль і значення однопланової та багатопланової композиції в документальних кадрах Анни Войтенко як елемента вибудування митцем часо-просторового континууму. Статья посвящена специфике пространственной организации кадра в документальной фотографии как элементу коммуникативной стратегии художника и средству эстетизации фото. Уделено внимание рассмотрению актуальных дискутивных вопросов о соотношении объективного и субъективного, художественного и документального в фотографии, о характере переосмысления и средствах моделирования действительности фотографом. В статье отстаивается мнение, что документальная фотография призвана достоверно и точно зафиксировать действительность, но, как любой результат творчества, несет отпечаток авторского мировоззрения и оценки изображаемых событий, выразителем которых может выступать композиционное построение кадра. Проанализированы роль и значение одноплановой и многоплановой композиции в документальных кадрах Анны Войтенко как элемента выстраивания художником время-пространственного континуума.