Chernyakova, PolinaDovgun, Irina2015-04-062015-04-062015Cherniakova, P. Shopping tourism / P. Cherniakova, I. Dovgun // Готельно-ресторанний бізнес: інноваційні напрями розвитку : міжнародна науково-практична конференція, 25-27 березня 2015 р. – К. : НУХТ, 2015. – С. 143-144. is becoming an increasingly relevant component of the tourism value chain. Shopping has converted into a determinant factor affecting destination choice, an important component of the overall travel experience and, in some cases the prime travel motivation. Destinations have thus an immense opportunity to leverage this new market trend by developing authentic and unique shopping experiences that add value to their touristic offer while reinforcing, and even, defining their tourism brand and positioning. More importantly, shopping is one of the major categories of tourists’ expenditure, representing a significant source of income for national economies both directly and through the many linkages to other sectors in the economy.othertourismeconomyshopтуризммагазинекономікаэкономикакафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняShopping tourismOther