Dubkovetskyy, IgorMalezhik, IvanPasichnyi, VasylTymoshenko (Kremeshna), Irina2015-05-282015-05-282014Kinetics research of rise flour paste drying with beet colorant combined with energy supply / I. Dubkovetskyy, I. Malezhik, V. Pasichnіy, I. Tymoshenko // Modern technologies in the food industry. – 2014. – Р. 36–39.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20852The aim of our research was to develop a method of stabilizing the natural pigment of betanine contained in beetroot juice, with its further use as a natural colorant in meat-containing products production. At the same time, to develop a comprehensive mix in dry form containing natural beet colorant with combination of rice flour, used as a cobuilder for mincemeat sausages.кафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівкафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвcombined method of exposurepastemushroomsenergy consumptioninfrared dryingкомбінований метод впливупастагрибиспоживання енергіїінфрачервона сушкаKinetics research of rice flour paste drying with beet colorant combined with energy supply