Okopna, Yana2012-04-092012-04-092010Okopna, Y. Methodology of organizing autonomy in professionaly-based dialogical speech learning for future spesialists in the service sphere (german after english for students of non-linguistic specialties) / Y. Okopna // International science. - 2010. - P. 29-34.978-0-557-66060-5https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/797The article focuses on the results of the Intelligence Experimental Training of Professionally-Based Dialogical Speech of Future Specialists in the Service Sphere (German after English).enбизнес-ролевые игрыbusiness role playinteractional/dialogical speechsecond-year students of higher technical educational establishmentsбізнес-рольові ігриинтеракций / діалогічного мовленнястуденти другого курсу вищих технічних навчальних закладівинтеракций / диалогической речистуденты второго курса высших технических учебных заведенийкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняMethodology of organizing autonomy in professionaly-based dialogical speech learning for future spesialists in the service sphere (german after english for students of non-linguistic specialties)Article