Zavialov, VolodymyrBodrov, ViktorZaporozhets, YuliiaMysiura, TarasPopova, NataliiaDekanskiy, Vadim2014-03-172014-03-172012Extractors with vibratory mixing devices and Prospects of their use in the food industry / V. Zavialov , V. Bodrov, Yu. Zaporozhets and other // National Academy of Packaging University of Food Technologies Department Machines and Apparatus for Food Industry. – Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2012. – P. 89–92. low efficiency of the existing technologies for the extraction of desired components from vegetable raw materials with a high degree of milling is due to the imperfection of extraction equipment. Though the designs of modern periodic and continuous extractors are fairly diversified, there exist common disadvantages caused by the insignificant porosity of fine-fraction vegetable raw materials or the mass prepared from them for counterflow continuous extraction, their poor transportability, densification, and, as a result, the low permeability for the extractant. It has been established that vibratory extractors are most promising in this respect. In the present work, we present results of investigations of the intensifying action of low-frequency mechanical vibrations on the extraction process of desired components from vegetable raw materials under conditions of continuous vibration extraction. For industry, we propose a new design of a periodical and a continuous apparatus with vibratory mixing devices.envibratory extractionmathematical modelingintensification mass transfervegetable raw materialhydrodynamic flowвиброэкстракторматематическое моделированиеинтенсификация масообменарастительное сырьегидродинамический потоквіброекстракторматематичне моделюванняінтенсифікація масообмінурослинна сировинагідродинамічний потіккафедра експертизи харчових продуктівкафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвExtractors with vibratory mixing devices and prospects of their use in the food industryArticle