Veres, Kateryna2014-06-122014-06-122006Veres, K. The сomparison of different approaches to the complex water quality assessment in the small rivers of cities / K. Veres // Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management. UNESCO/WMO. – 2006. – XXIII.– p. 110-12186-80851-07-8 and analysis of water quality integral estimates for small rivers of strongly urbanized territories by different procedures were fixed. Elaboration of advanced procedure was proposed. Such procedure has to take into account the stochastic structure of water quality parameters and their factor conditionality.enекологічна оцінкаякість водиекологічна ситуаціямалі річкирічковий басейнурбанізовані територіїэкологическая оценкакачество водыэкологическая ситуациямалые рекиречные бассейныурбанизированные территорииecological appreciationquality of waterecological situationsmall riversriver basinsurbanized territoriesкафедра туристичного та готельного бізнесуThe сomparison of different approaches to the complex water quality assessment in the small rivers of citiesArticle