Taran, TetianaTrygub, Inna2015-05-212015-05-212014Taran, T. O. Time-management as a part of the organizatijnal management / T. O. Taran, I. Tryhub // Бъдещето въпроси от света на науката : материали за X международна научна практична конференция, 17-25 декември 2014 г., г. София. – 2014. - P. 54-56.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20562This topic is impotant for live and business, because the rhythm in which most people live is unlikely to be calm and measured. Lack of time, the work of all hands «trouble and trials» are common causes of problems that deal with specific skills is not easy. In business, "time is money" means to become a successful person you need to properly and effectively use time resources. Time management helps avoid the unenviable fate of hostage own business or career.time-managementprioritiesgoalsanalysisпріоритетиціліаналізтайм-менеджментприоритетыцелианализкафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїTime-management as a part of the organizatijnal management