Korobiichuk, IgorSidletskyi, VictorLadanyuk, AnatolyElperin, IgorHrama, Mykhailo2023-10-302023-10-302019Use of methods of tensor analysis in the evaporator plant operating system / I. Korobiichuk, V. Sidletskyi, A. Ladanyuk, I. Elperin, M. Hrama // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. –2019. – Pp. 502–512https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/41295The issues of the relevance of conduction of research in the areas of analysis and synthesis of evaporator plant operating systems were disclosed; the need of taking into account the peculiarity and interconnection of mass and energy flows of the entire sugar refinery was put forward. This explains the need for new methods of integrating the operating system so that, on the one hand, the evaporator plant operating system is an integral part of the whole system of the sugar refinery management. But at the same time, it shall be flexible and shall not require significant changes in the correction of processes or updating of automation equipment. The article presents a method for using the mathematical apparatus of tensor analysis for determining the nature of the change of the signal of the discrepancy and the formation of the control signal.enevaporator planttensor modelradius vectorlocal coordinatesвипарна установкамодель тензорарадіус векторлокальні координатикафедра інформаційних технологій, штучного інтелекту і кібербезпекикафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управлінняUse of methods of tensor analysis in the evaporator plant operating systemArticle