Ivanov, SergeyRashevska, TamaraShapoval, Victoria2013-06-212013-06-212013Ivanov, S. Using molecular dynamics for study butter / S. Ivanov, T. Rashevskaya, V. Shapoval // The second north and east european congress on food. Book of Abstracts. – Kiev, 2013. – P. 296.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8394With the help of program ChemBioUltra3D, the process of interaction between inulin polysaccharide and phosphatidylcholine (a type of phospholipid in lecithin) has been simulatedenbuttermolecular dynamicsinulinвершкове масломолекулярна динамікаінулінсливочное масломолекулярная динамикаинулинкафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівUsing molecular dynamics for study butterThesis