Niemirich, OleksandraPetrusha, OksanaVasheka, OksanaHavrysh, Andrey2018-03-152018-03-152016Research the technological properties of powder of cabbage by mixed method of heat supply / O. Niemirich, O. Petrusha, O. Vasheka, A. Havrysh // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. - 2016. - Volume 4., Issue 1. – P. 49-57.2409–49512310–1008 processes of structure formation in emulsion-type sauces using phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product - a mixture fine powders of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials and oil in the environment. The prospect of using the technology developed semi low-calorie sauces emulsion type is the manifestation of surface-active properties of said plant material. Structural and mechanical properties of the finished sauce was studied using a rheometer AR 2000ex. Forms of communication research in water samples sauces determined on derivatograph Q -1500D. Emulsifying properties of powders spicy-aromatic and carotene containing materials described by phase inversion points. Drawing graphs and statistical data processing was performed using the software package OriginLab Corporation and spreadsheet Microsoft Office Excel. Due to the content of polysaccharides and essential oils, crushed and dried raw of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing able to create stable colloidal systems - emulsion type oil in water. Research emulsifying ability and fine powders of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials in emulsion oil in water showed that the emulsifying ability parsley powder is 16% and 36%, which is higher than the powder with dill and carotene containing raw materials respectively. A determination of rheological properties depending on the concentration sauces phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product. Ready sauce with a mass fraction phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product 30% shear rate of 200 s-1 has an effective viscosity in the range of 22-50 Pa • s, which is optimal for the type of emulsion sauces. Value Relations moisture in the form of emulsion-type sauces approaching the optimal concentration phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product 30% by weight of the sauce. Thus there is a stronger binding moisture promotes aggregative stability system prevents their separation.Sauces emulsion type, made on the basis of the developed intermediate product, have optimal rheological parameters. Thus, we can recommend phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product for sauces emulsion type of high nutritional value without the use of additional emulsifiers, structure-synthetic nature.emulsionsurfactantsthermogravimetrypolysaccharideемульсіяповерхнево-активні речовинитермогравіметріяполісахаридиэмульсияоверхностно-активные веществатермогравиметрияполисахаридыкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівкафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукціїResearch the technological properties of powder of cabbage by mixed method of heat supplyArticle