Bashta, AnatoliySelivanov, Mikhail2013-09-182013-09-182007Bashta, A. V. Strength characteristics of molybdenum in high-temperature gas medium / A. V.Bashta, M. F. Selivanov : materials of 8tn International fracture conference guide form a nuscriptpreparation, estanbul, 07-09 november-2007. – Р. 207-211. this work the creep of molybdenum sample is studied in high-temperature gaseous medium under homogeneous static load. The typical behavior of molybdenum is investigated for different concentration of gas corrosive medium. As a result the asymptotic behavior of molybdenum is determined in a first approximation for the above-mentioned conditions.otherhigh-temperaturemolybdenumcreepcorrosive gasповзучістьмолібденнеоднорідний матеріалвисока температуравысокая температурамолибденнеоднородный материалползучестькафедра мехатроніки та пакувальної технікиStrength characteristics of molybdenum in high-temperature gas mediumArticle