Fedulova, IrinaIakymchuk, Tatiana2021-11-062021-11-062019Fedulova, I. Reducing Environmentally Harmful Activities of the Company: PJSC “Obolon” (Production of Beer, Soft Drinks, Mineral Water, Spent Grain etc.) / I. Fedulova, T. Iakymchuk // Pro-ecological Restructuring of Companies : Case Studies. 2019. ‒ P. 109‒120.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/36609The goal of PJSC “Obolon” is to meet the demands and expectations of customers and, as a result, to hold a leading market position. Their strategy includes constant attention to the preservation of the environment and takes into account the interests of all stakeholders. The basis of the strategy of “Obolon” is growth based on sustainable development principles. As part of the strategy, “Obolon” implements innovative and energy-saving technologies, improves the environmental performance of production, minimizes harmful emissions into the environment, and reuses and recycles resources. In recent years, many investment projects aimed at reducing environmental impact were implemented – on the collection and recycling of PET bottles, processing of brewer’s wet grains to get animal feedstuff for agriculture needs, reducing harmful emissions and ensuring prudent use of resources.enсталий розвитокенергозберігаючі технологіїекологічні показники виробництваПЕТ-пляшказерноsustainabilityenergy saving technologiesекологічні показники виробництваPET bottleкафедра економіки праці та менеджментуReducing Environmentally Harmful Activities of the Company: PJSC “Obolon” (Production of Beer, Soft Drinks, Mineral Water, Spent Grain etc.)Article