Sheka, D.Korol, AnatoliyШека, Д. І.Король, Анатолій Миколайович2013-03-202013-03-201976Sheka, D. Dielectric permittivity of semiconductors with narrow forbidden gap in the long-wave limit / D. Sheka, A. Korol // Physica Status Solidi. - 1976. - (b) 76. - P. 413-418. the random phase approximation the dielectric permittivity is evaluated for a semiconductor with a band structure described by Kane’s energy band scheme. It is demonstrated that the fact that several hole bands have been taken into account, when the operator of the kinetic energy ceased to be the Dirac one plays the principal role in the calculation of the static dielectric permittivity ε(q →0).othernarrowgapped semiconductorsdielectric permittivitylongwave limitвузькозонні напівпровідникидіелектрична проникністьдовгохвильова межаузкозонные полупроводникидиэлектрическая проницаемостьдлинноволновой пределкафедра фізикиDielectric permittivity of semiconductors with narrow forbidden gap in the long-wave limitArticle