Arych, Mykhailo2017-04-262017-04-262016Arych, M. The need for insurance of the food industry in the European Union / M. Arych // Smart specialization – innovative strategy for regional economic transformation : Sessions schedule and abstracts of 55th Annual science conference of Ruse University, 28-29 October 2016. - Ruse, Bulgaria. – P. 421. article examines the factors necessary compulsory insurance of subjects of the food industry in the European Union. Found that functioning single market for insurance services that will improve economic efficiency and market integration, it is necessary to have a common framework that will allow insurers to freely carry out operations in all European Union countries, establish branches and provide services.foodinsurerinsuredinsurance compensationхарчова промисловістьстраховикстрахувальникстрахове відшкодуванняпищевая промышленностьстраховщикстраховое возмещениекафедра фінансівThe need for insurance of the food industry in the European UnionThesis