Mykhalevych, ArturPolishchuk, Galyna2020-12-182020-12-182020-01-18Mykhalevych. A. Scientific explanation of composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with protein // A. Mykhalevych, G. Polischuk / Student in bucovina : 9th Edition of the International Conference for students, 18th December 2020. – Suceava, Romania. – 2020. – P. 46. work is devoted to solving the actual problem of the dairy industry complex processing of food raw materials; rational use of production resources by reducing the technological process duration.The aim of the research is to substantiate the composition of a new type of acidophilic-whey ice cream of high nutritional value due to enrichment with a complex of proteins, probiotic sourdough and pectin-containing vegetable paste.enacidophilic-whey ice creamprotein compositionкафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівацидофільно-сироваткове морозивокомпозиція білківScientific explanation of composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with proteinThesis