Kravtsov, Sergiy2017-11-092017-11-092017Kravtsov, S. The marketing information system of the tourism enterprise / S. Kravtsov // Studia i Materiały. – 2017. – nr. 13 (styczeń-czerwiec). – Warszawa : Europejska uczelnia w Warszawie, 2017. – Р. 51–61.2451-4519 article is devoted to the research of the essence and the structure of the marketing information system of tourism enterprise. A current state of the marketing information system of tour operators and tour agents in Ukraine is analyzed. The schematic for improvement of marketing information system of Ukrainian tourist enterprises is created.enmarketing information systema travel companya tour operatorмаркетингово-інформаційна систематуристична компаніятуроператоркафедра туристичного та готельного бізнесумаркетингово-информационная систематуристическая компаниятуроператорThe marketing information system of the tourism enterpriseArticle