Benderska (Dushchak), OlgaBessarab, AlexanderShutyuk, Vitaliy2018-12-062018-12-062018Benderska, O. Study of the use of edible powders tomato sauce technologies / O. Benderska, А. Bessarab, V. Shutyuk // Food science and Technology. – Odessa, 2016 – Vol. 10, Issue 3. – P. 59–65. the article, the technology is considered for the production of edible powders from vegetal raw materials (berries). The technology for producing powders from berries is developed to produce a high-quality product in which all ingredients of raw materials are kept in a concentrated form.enтоматихарчові порошкисоусчорницяантиоксидантитоматыпищевые порошкичерникаантиоксидантыtomatoespowderssaucesbilberryantioxidantsкафедра технології консервуванняStudy of the use of edible powders in tomato sauce technologiesArticle