Basyuk, DariaAntonenko, IrinaMuzychka, Yelyzaveta2018-03-262018-03-262017Basyuk, D. Distribution as a modern form of marketing structures in tourism / D. Basyuk, I. Antonenko, Y. Muzychka // Науковий вісник Полісся. – 2017. - № 4 – P. 125–130. article focuses on the development of theoretical and methodological approaches, practical recommendations on management of distribution activities of tourism enterprises. It is determined that the construction of an effective distribution system for tourism services should be carried out on the basis of their sales potential, channels for the promotion of tourism products (direct, indirect) and the formation of strategies. The usage of electronic distribution in tourism is considered.enдистрибуціязбут туристичних продуктів (послуг)туристичний продукттуроператортурагентдистрибуциясбыт туристических продуктовтуристический продуктdistributionmarketing of tourism goods (services)tourism producttour operatortravel agentкафедра туристичного та готельного бізнесуDistribution as a modern form of marketing structures in tourismArticle