Bozhok, NataliaVlasenko, Ludmila2015-05-212015-05-212014Bozhok, N. The implementation of e-learning in higher education / N. Bozhok, L. V. Vlasenko // Modern trends and resources for teachers of foreign languages. – Molodova : American council for international education. – 2014. – Is. VII. - P. 4-8. the article the theoretical analysis of e-learning definitions is conducted. The benefits and drawbacks of the mentioned term are considered. The main strategies for implementation of e-learning in the sphere of higher education are analyzed.otherелектронне навчаннястудентивикладачівища освітаімплементаціяэлектронное обучениестудентыпреподавателивысшее обучениеимплементацияe-learningstudentsinstructorshigher educationimplementationкафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїThe implementation of e-learning in higher educationArticle