Ianchyk, MariiaNiemirich, OleksandraHavrysh, AndreyYanchyk, Olena2018-04-242018-04-242016Study of functional and technological properties of plant powders for use in confectionery industry / M. Ianchyk, O. Niemirich, A. Gavrysh, O. Yanchyk // Food Science and Technology. – 2016. – Volume 10, Issue 4. – P. 31-36.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27135The article is devoted to the study of functional and technological properties of powders from banana, carrots, strawberries, apples, spinach and orange obtained by cold spray drying. The expediency of using vegetable and fruit powders in the confectionery industry, in particular, adding them during the production of confectionery semi-finished products, is substantiated. The organoleptic properties of powders are determined, namely: appearance and consistency, taste, smell and color, the results are highlighted in the table. Microscopically, the dispersion of powders from banana, carrots, strawberries, apples, spinach, orange, the results of studies are presented in the form of diagrams. Also, technological parameters of plant powders were investigated, namely: wetting ability, coefficient of water absorption, emulsifying ability and fat-retaining ability.enрослинні порошкихолодне розпилювальне сушіннядисперсністьфункціонально-технологічні властивостікоефіцієнт водопоглинанняжироутримуюча здатністькондитерський напівфабрикатрастительные порошкихолодная распылительная сушкадисперсностьфункционально-технологические свойствакоэффициент водопоглощенияжироудерживающая способностькондитерские полуфабрикатыvegetable powderscold spray dryingdispersionfunctional and technological propertieswater absorption coefficientability to hold fatconfectionery semi-finished productsкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівкафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукціїStudy of functional and technological properties of plant powders for use in confectionery industryArticle