Mosijchuk, Natalia2015-06-252015-06-252013Mosiichuk, N. The subsystem of technological monitoring based on the methods of fuzzy logic / Nataliia Mosiichuk // Ukrainian food journal. – 2013. - Vol. 2, Is. 4. – Р. 590-596. formulated rules of fuzzy knowledge base and the resulting model of technological process that corresponds to the real object. This allows to increase the efficiency of the control systems in the food industry and to reduce the amount of not properly adopted decisions by the control of complex technological systems, which are include certain uncertainly and nonlinearity. Implementation of structural model process identification allows us to come much more closer to the real conditions of the object, to determine its current condition and to take effective solutions in control.кафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управліннятехнологічний моніторингавтоматизаціятехнологический мониторингавтоматизацияtechnological monitoringautomationThe subsystem of technological monitoring based on the methods of fuzzy logicArticle