Trygub, Inna2015-05-222015-05-222015Tryhub, I. Testing: the reasons for use and possible negative consequences / I. Tryhub // Modern trends and resources for teachers of foreign languages. - 2015. - Access mode : the article the theoretical analysis of testing in foreign language teaching is conducted. Using resources of testing in study process to development of students´ activity and achievement of the main aims of teaching subject are considered. The main reasons for the increased use of testing; critical distinction between the direct effects tests; possible negative consequences of testing are analyzed.testingtestmethodsdistinctionтестуванняconsequencesметодивипробуваннявідмінністьнаслідкитестированиеиспытаниеметодыпоследствияразличиекафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїTesting: the reasons for use and possible negative consequences