Matveev, VolodymyrBovsunovskyy, AnatolyChaikovsky, B.2012-06-142012-06-141994Matveev, V. Determination of materials damping properties through the phase difference between strains / V. Matveev, A. Bovsunovsky, B. Chaikovsky // Proceedings of the 10th international conference on experimental mechanics, 18-22 july 1994, Lisbon, Portugal. - 1994. - P. 561-567. original method and experimental procedure for measuring materials damping capacity through the phase difference between axial and transverse strains is presented. The results of the determination damping capacity of carbon steels and Mn-Cu alloy specimens are presented. A direct experimental estimation of the static tension and stress gradient effect on the materials damping properties at flexural vibrations is carried out. The data are correlated with damping characteristics of the metals obtained by free damped oscillations method.endampinglongitudinal and transverse strain phase shiftдемпфированиеразница фаз между продольной и поперечной деформациямидемпфіруваннязсув фаз між поздовжньою і поперечною деформаціямикафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвDetermination of materials damping properties through the phase difference between strainsArticle