Pastukh, HannaGrabovska, Olena2014-05-302014-05-302013Pastukh, A. The investigation of technological conditions of pectin withdrwal from potato and study of its structure pectin / Н. Pastukh, O. Grabovska // The Second North and East European Congress on Food, 26-29 May 2013. - Kyiv, 2013. - Р. 271. optimum conditions for extraction of pectin from potato pulp. Studied the physicochemical properties of potato pectin. Using infrared spectroscopy structure of potato pectin extracted using enzyme preparations and without pretreatment enzymesotherгідролізІЧ-спектроскопіяпектинкартопляна мезгагидролизИК-спектроскопиякафедра технології цукру і підготовки водикартофельная мезгаhydrolysisIR spectroscopypectinpotato pulpThe investigation of technological conditions of pectin withdrwal from potato and study of its structure pectinOther