Shapran, LudmilaCherednichenko, GalinaKunytsia, Lyudmila2014-02-102014-02-102013Shapran, L. Business Correspondence and Communication at Work: підручник / L. Shapran, G. Cherednichenko, L. Kunytsia. - К.: Кафедра, 2013. – 280 с. is aimed at developing students’ communicative language competences in occupational domain in oral production (speaking) and in written production (writing) activities (business correspondence, job search process, Resume, Cover Letter, contract, business plan, e-mail, fax, memo, etc.). Special attention is also paid to parts and rules of successful oral business communication.otherinterviewbusiness letterjob searchresumecover letterapplication formанкетабізнес-листпошук роботирезюмесупроводжувальний листпоиск работыбизнес-письмосопроводительное письмокафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїBusiness correspondence and communication at workBook