Nychyk, OksanaSalavor, Oksana2013-12-172013-12-172013Nychyk, O. Development of environmental auditing in Ukraine / O. Nychyk, O. Salavor // Zbior raportow naukowych «Science –od teorii do praktyki», 29.03.2013 -31.03.2013. – Sopot: Wydawca: Sp.zo.o. «Diamond trading tour», 2013. - P. 15-17. and analyzed the current state of environmental audit in Ukraine and its future outlook. The main obstacle to the effective implementation of the audit is flawed legislative regulatory framework. Development needs and the state of preparation of certified environmental auditors.otherlegislationcertificationenvironmental auditзаконодавствоекологічний аудитсертифікаціязаконодательствосертификацияэкологический аудиткафедра екології та екоменеджментуDevelopment of environmental auditing in UkraineArticle