Zhilinskaia, NataliiaBazarnova, YuliaShleikin, AleksandrPeshuk, LudmilaGalenko, Oleg2017-07-122017-07-122016Using of bioinformatics and computer morphometry in study of Fusarium spp. causing potato dry rot /Nadezhda Zhilinskaia, Julia Bazarnova, Aleksandr Shleikin, Liudmyla Peshuk, Oleg Galenko // Ukrainian Food Journal. - 2016. - Volume 5. Issue 3 – Р. 515-522.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25762The purpose of research - to evaluate the possibility of using the methods of computer morphometry and bioinformatic analysis in studying of reactive changes in Fusarium spp. causing potato dry rot.enкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівhampotato tuberplant tissuesmethods of analysisшинкабульба картопліклубень картофелярослинні тканинирастительные тканиметоди аналізуметоды анализаветчинаUsing of bioinformatics and computer morphometry in study of Fusarium SPP causing potato dry rotArticle