Slobodyan, Natalia2019-06-252019-06-252019Slobodyan, N. Strategic role of higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation level in modern conditions in Ukraine / N. Slobodyan // Вестник КАЗУЭФМТ. - 2019. - №1. - P. 63-69 article considers the role of higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation of Ukraine and the system of higher education in contemporary society, identifies strategic priorities and tactical tasks of its development, and investigates the modern and perspective requirements of the society to the personality and satisfaction of its educational needs. The significance of higher education in solving many social problems is determined.eneducationhigher educational institutionssocietyeconomic developmentосвітавищі навчальні закладиекономічний розвитоксуспільствокафедра економіки і праваStrategic role of higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation level in modern conditions in Ukraine