Skryhun, NatalyaLytka, MariіaVlasenko, Ludmila2017-12-272017-12-272016Skryhun, N. Influencer marketing is a new possibility to control the process of consumer’s decision acceptance about purchasing / N. Skryhun, M. Lytka, L. Vlasenko // News of science and education. – Sheffield. Science and education LTD, 2016. – № 21/2 (46). – Р. 21-24. features of influence marketing, its location in marketing activity is determined and exposed. The essence of influence marketing is considered; basic elements and values of marketing influencer for companies, and also reason of its use in practical activity of enterprises are distinguished.otherмаркетинг впливуагенти впливулідери думокмаркетинг влиянияагенты влияниялидеры мненийinfluence marketingagents of influenceleaders of ideasкафедра маркетингукафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняInfluencer marketing is a new possibility to control the process of consumer’s decision acceptance about purchasingArticle