Starovoitova, SvitlanaKishko, K.Lazarenko, LyudmilaShynkarenko, LyubovSpivak, MykolaNikolaychuk, M.2013-11-042013-11-042010Cholesteraze activity of new lacto- and bifidobacteria strains in vitro / S. Starovoitova, K. Kishko, L. Lazarenko and other // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. - 2010. - Вип. 27. - P. 42-45. activity of new strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria was studied. It was demonstrated that all strains of lаcto- and bifidobаcteriа in vitro posess different levels of cholesteraze activity. Lactobacillus casei VK-4 IMV B-7280 proved to be the most effective strain. Results of research on cholesteraze activity of different lacto- and bifidobacteria strain compositions showed that the most active combinations are those based on Lactobacillus casei and one of other studied strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium bifidum. The studied bacterial strains and also compositions on their basis can be used to create complex probiotics for special purposes.encholesteraze activitybifidobacterialactobacteriaprobioticsхолестеразна активністьбіфідобактеріїлактобактеріїпробіотикикафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїCholesteraze activity of new lacto- and bifidobacteria strains in vitroArticle