Ponomarenko, VitaliyLulka, DmitriyDimitrov, TsvetanLementar, SviatoslavKhitriy, YaroslavPerekrest, Natali2019-11-052019-11-052017The research of a one-step and two-step ejector with a compact and dispersed jet of liquid / V. Ponomarenko, D. Liulka, D. Tsvetan, S. Lementar, Y. Khitriy, N. Perekrest // Proceedings of university of Ruse. – 2017. – Volume 56, book 10.2. – P. 90–96.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30224The work of the jet sulphitator ejector of sugar production is analyzed. The tests of a gas-liquid ejector with a compact and dispersed liquid jet in a wide range of changes in geometric characteristics (1.3 ... 11.25) were tested on the test-bench at the laboratory and the range of their optimal values (4 ... 7), which allowed to reach the maximum ejection coefficient, was found experimentally. The ejection coefficient for an ejector with a compact liquid jet is 15 ... 20% lower than for an ejector with a dispersed jet at the same flow rates.The design of a new two-stage ejector with improved expendable characteristics is offered, the basic geometric dimensions are justified. An increase of the ejection coefficient without additional energy penalties is experimentally proved. The field of application of the offered design ejector is not limited to food industry and it is recommended to use in those cases where heat-mass transfer processes take place.enliquid-gas ejectormixing chamberejection coefficientdispersedcompact fluid jettwo-stage ejectorкафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектуваннякафедра готельно-ресторанної справиThe research of a one-step and two-step ejector with a compact and dispersed jet of liquidArticle