Dorohovich, AntonellaDorohovich, VictoriyaKambulova, Yuliia2017-04-252017-04-252016Dorohovich, A. The effect of mono- and disaccharides influence on structural-mechanical properties of gels / A. Dorohovich, V. Dorohovich, Ju. Kambulova // Eastem-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2016. – №11(83). – Р. 16-24. effect of glucose, fructose, sucrose and lactulose on structural and mechanical properties and thixotropic gel pectin in apple puree. A comparative analysis of participation mono- and disaccharides in the formation of pectin gel. Determined loss prebiotic lactulose storage gels. Calculated rational relationship apple sauce and sugar to form functional confectionery recipes appointment.enpectin gelsglucosefructosethixotropyfunctional productsпектинові геліглюкозафруктозатиксотропіяфункціональні продуктикафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівпектиновые гелитиксотропияфункциональные продуктыThe effect of mono- and disaccharides influence on structural-mechanical properties of gelsArticle