Skrypko, AnhelinaObolkina, VeraKyianytsia, Svetlana2018-10-172018-10-172013Skrypko, А. Scientific justification of using of oat malt flour and gumarabic «FIBREGUM» in butter biscuit technology / А. Skrypko, V. Obolkyna, S. Kyianytsia // The 8th Central Europen Congress on Food «Food Science for Well-being» 23-26 may 2016. – K. – 2013. – С. 169. consumer properties of pastry items depend on the quality of recipe components, their chemical composition and technological properties. The sprouted grains contain the entire set of ingredients necessary for a balanced diet: low molecular weight proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, food fibers, minerals, vitamins.enbiscuitflourdough structural- mechanicalпечивоборошноструктурно-механічні властивості тістакафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівScientific justification of using of oat malt flour and gumarabic «FIBREGUM» in butter biscuit technologyThesis