Kochubei-Lytvynenko, OksanaOsmak (Fedchenko), TetianaKuzmyk, UlyanaMykhalevych, Artur2021-11-302021-11-302021Development of a new type of alcoholic ice cream / O. Kochubei-Litvinenko, T. Osmak, U. Kuzmyk, A. Mykhalevych // New industries, Digital Economy, Society – Projections of The Future IV : Booklet of the 60th Science Conference of Ruse University, Bulgaria, 2021 – P. 9.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/36656The modern range of milk-based ice cream with an alcohol component was analyzed. The choice of alcoholic tincture in the composition of milk ice cream was substantiated. The cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures was determined using a measuring complex, the dynamic viscosity was determined by a Heppler viscometer, the melting resistance was determined by the melting time of the hardened ice cream samples, and the ice cream was whipped by the weight method.entincturesice creamcryoscopic temperatureнастоянкиморозивокріоскопічна температуракафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівDevelopment of a new type of alcoholic ice creamThesis