Volkova, DariaMahaletskyy, Andrey2015-04-032015-04-032015Volkova, D. Innovations for smart hotel rooms / D. Volkova, A. Magaletskiy // Готельно-ресторанний бізнес: інноваційні напрями розвитку : міжнародна науково-практична конференція, 25-27 березня 2015 р. – К. : НУХТ, 2015. – С. 157-159.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20107Hotel Company - the main component of the tourism industry. Nowadays great attention is paid to the development of this field of activity, because it is one of the sources for the state. Everyone in the hotel industry — from the big chains to the small indies — has been trying to figure out the future habits of the digital-sawy traveler. Also, that what would mean to develop the hotel room of the future. Some of these efforts are makes the industry, and some by hospitality schools around the world.othergovernmenthotel industrytourism industryдержаватуристська індустріяготельна індустріягосударствогостиничная индустриятуристская индустрияInnovations for smart hotel roomsOther