Pasichnyi, VasylYastreba, YuliaHerman, NataliyaGeredchuk, Alina2013-10-222013-10-222013Improvement of the technology of meat and meat containing products using intermediate product from mushroom / V. Pasichniy, Y. Yastreba, N. Herman, A. Geredchuk // Тhe Second North and East European Congress on Food, 26–29 May 2013. – Кyiv : NUFT, 2013. – P. 92. article is devoted to the aspects of scientific research and working out the technology of powder-like intermediate product and structured intermediate product from oyster mushrooms. The results of the using half-finished products from mushrooms in the technology of combined meat products and pastes of improved food quality were represented.otherproduct safetytechnologypowder-like half-finished products from mushroomsmeat and meat containing productsбезпека продукціїтехнологіягрибний порошкоподібний напівфабрикатм'ясні та м'ясомісткі продуктибезопасность продукциитехнологиягрибной порошкообразный полуфабрикатмясные и мясосодержащие продуктыкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівImprovement of the technology of meat and meat containing products using mushroom half-finished productArticle